Academic Senate

University Committees

The following are Academic Senate Committees and/or Committees to which the Senate makes or assists with appointments.

Academic Integrity Council: The Academic Integrity Council (AIC) exists for the purpose of assisting in the promotion of academic integrity. AIC will not participate in direct policy making or the adjudication of academic dishonesty cases. It will report to the Academic Senate through the Educational Programs and Policies Committee (EPPC) and to the Associated Students EM 18-011.

Academic Scheduling Advisory Committee:  The committee serves as the referral and review body for resolving disputes and exceptions to the Academic Scheduling Provisions, research and recommend improvements to scheduling policy, in cooperation with APSS, and research and recommend scheduling best practices EM 21-022. (PDF)

Academic Status Committee: This committee implements the policies of Academic Disqualification, Academic Probation, Appeal and Academic Reinstatement. Executive Committee appoints eight faculty (one from each College) in accordance with EM 05-03(opens in new window)

Campus Facilities Use Committee: Two Faculty Representatives (appointed by the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate), 2-year terms. The Campus Facilities Use Committee (CFU) is established by the President to review and recommend policy governing the short-term scheduling and use of university facilities. It establishes procedures for implementing policies and guidelines for facilities scheduling. It will serve as the referral and review body for adjudicating disputes arising from facilities use, policies, and procedures and may make temporary exceptions or adjustments to established policy to meet specific scheduling problems or issues.EM 20-018

Campus Fee Advisory Committee: Academic Senate Chair (or designee), 1 AY term. The role of the Campus Fee Advisory Committee is to review new campus proposals and the modification of current fees for the purpose of providing advice to the campus president. EM 22-014(opens in new window) Supersedes EM 11-045

Campus Sustainability Committee (CSC):  Two faculty members, 2-years staggered. (One potentially the GE Sustainability Pathway Coordinator.) The role of the CSC is to serve in an advisory capacity to all campus departments, colleges and other entities in an effort to advance environmental, social and economic sustainability at CSUC in accordance with EM 19-033.

Campus Vegetation and Arboretum Committee (CVAC): The primary mission of the Campus Vegetation and Arboretum Committee (CVAC) is to help create and review policies that seek to maintain and enhance the educational and aesthetic value of the CSU, Chico Arboretum and associated vegetation. Faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate Executive Committee with CVAC consultation in accordance with EM 18-010.

Chico State Enterprises - Board of Directors: Three faculty members nominated by the Academic Senate, and subsequently appointed by the University President (after consultation with the Provost and VP for Academic Affairs). Manages and controls business and affairs of Chico State Enterprises. (Bylaws (PDF)) 

Commencement Policy Committee: One faculty representative from each of the colleges chosen by the Dean of each College (AG, BSS, BUS, CME, ECC, HFA, NS, Graduate Council) for a 1-year term.  Plans and conducts commencement exercises in accordance with the Policy on Commencement Exercises. (EM 14-015)

Complementary Unit Review Committee(opens in new window):  The charge of the CURC is to make recommendations about establishment, continuation, modification, merging, suspension, or discontinuation of Complementary Units. (EM 20-019)

The Curriculum Advisory Board (CAB): Is responsible for making recommendations to the Provost or designee on the implementation, monitoring, and development of the GE program. In consultation with appropriate disciplinary faculty, it is responsible for the coordination of assessment and the addition or deletion of individual courses as well as any proposed substitutions.  EM 21-023(opens in new window)

Disability Access and Compliance Committee: The purpose of the Disability Access and Compliance Committee is to facilitate for all persons the goals of physical and programmatic access and equal opportunity to University employment, educational programs, sponsored activities, and events. The committee assists in assuring compliance with various applicable codes, policies, and regulations. Two faculty members appointed by Academic Senate to two year in accordance with EM 05-019

Educational Policies And Programs Committee: One of the two Standing Committees of the Academic Senate, through which the Senate does most of its work. In addition to the senators appointed to the committee, there are seats for three faculty (non-senators), 1-year terms. Establishes, reviews, and monitors all curricular policies and academic requirements. Reviews changes in reorganization of departments, schools and programs. Please refer to the EPPC Meeting Schedule for dates.

Employee Climate Survey Committee(opens in new window)The objective of conducting university-wide employee climate surveys is to provide the university with quantitative and qualitative data on the views of faculty, staff, and administrators regarding the campus climate at California State University, Chico. Campus climate here is defined to include, but not be limited to: job satisfaction, professional growth opportunities, support for teaching and research, leadership (at all levels), the advancement of university strategic planning priories (e.g. equity, inclusion, diversity, and the teacher/scholar model), as well as the implementation of, or response to, various policies, procedures, and/or campus activities. EM 21-017(opens in new window)

Enrollment Management Advisory Committee: Eight faculty members from each college for a 3-year terms, in accordance with EM 20-010(opens in new window) Supersedes EM 10-019

Event Funding Allocation Council (Associated Students): One faculty, 1-year term, renewable.  This is a funding council chaired by the AS Commissioner of Student Programs and Organizations (SOAP).  This council is in charge of allocating funds to support events run by recognized student organizations and clubs on campus.  The goal of the council is to fund programs, projects and events that have an academic, social or educational emphasis and directly benefits the CSUC students.

Exceptional Service Assigned Time Committee(opens in new window): One faculty per College, 1-year term in accordance with EM 23-015(opens in new window)

Executive Management Evaluation And Development Committee: Four faculty members, 2-year terms in accordance with EM 24-027(opens in new window) and EM 18-022

Faculty And Student Policies Committee: One of the two Standing Committees of the Academic Senate, though which the Senate does most of its work. In addition to the senators appointed to the committee, there are seats for three faculty (non-senators), 1-year term. Concerned with all issues relating to faculty retention, tenure, and promotion; faculty recognition, support, professional development, and leaves; faculty governance, such as department chair policies and relations between faculty and administration. This committee, in consultation with the VPSA, will recommend student policies to the University President.  Please refer to the FASP Meeting Schedule for dates/time.

Faculty Recognition And Support Committee: The purpose of the Faculty Recognition and Support Committee is: To honor and support the faculty of California State University, Chico for their excellence and achievements in teaching, scholarly, creative, and research activities and in their contributions to the university community and; To review, formulate, and recommend policy that will maintain, enhance, and recognize the professional achievements, teaching excellence, and service contributions of the CSU, Chico faculty in accordance with EM 23-016(opens in new window). Outstanding Faculty Nomination Form. (PDF)

First Year Experience Task Force:  One faculty member appointed by the Academic Senate officers for a one-year period.  FYE is a coordinating body set up to ensure that efforts are made to create a cohesive first year experience across the many offices involved in this work.

Free Speech CommitteeOne faculty member appointed by the Academic Senate Executive Committee. At request of the University President (or designee) this committee will advise on the feasibility of the Major Events. EM 20-006

Graduate Coordinators Committee: One faculty member in accordance with EM 97-14

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee: Faculty members of the IACUC shall be appointed for staggered terms of three years. Nonaffiliate members shall be appointed for terms no less than one year. Members must be in good standing to remain a member, chair, or vice chair of the committee and/or to be reappointed to additional terms. EM 23-031 (PDF)

Internal Research Grants Committee, formerly known as Research & Sponsored Programs Committee: Eight elected faculty members from each college for a 3-year term. EM 14-012

International Programs (Academic Council): One faculty member selected by the chair of the Academic Senate upon consultation with the Provost and the Director of International Studies. The Academic Council on International Programs (ACIP) was created to promote CSU campus participation in the development of policy concerning International Programs and to ensure regular communication between campuses and the Office of International Programs (OIP).

Lecturer Council(opens in new window): One lecturer faculty elected from each of the Colleges including the Library, Counselors and Coaches by the Lecturer Faculty of that unit to service a 2-year renewable term. (EM 19-017)  (PDF)

Native American Consultation and Repatriation Committee(opens in new window): Two faculty from Anthropology recommended by the Chair of Anthropology (who is also eligible to serve) in consultation with the Dean of BSS and appointed by the President; Provost (or designee); Dean of BSS; Chief of Staff; Director of the Office of Tribal Relations; faculty member (other than Anthropology) nominated by Academic Senate and appointed by the President; staff member nominated by Staff Council and appointed by the President. EM-20-015(opens in new window)

Student Formal Complaint Hearing Committee(opens in new window):  Will consist of forty-two members; a total of fourteen full-time tenured or FERP faculty that includes two representatives from each college; fourteen full time staff members, and fourteen students selected from the most recent five percent random sample who have completed twenty-four units at CSU, Chico and who are in good academic and disciplinary standing. The Pool shall be selected at the beginning at the beginning of each academic year, and members shall be notified by the Director of their responsibilities in the event they are selected to serve at a hearing. EM 20-013(opens in new window)  Supersedes EM 05-010(opens in new window)

Student Formal Grade Appeal Hearing Committee:(opens in new window)  Will consist of twenty-eight members; a total of fourteen faculty including two representatives from each college, and fourteen students selected from the most recent five percent random sample who have completed twenty-four units at CSU, Chico and who are in good academic and disciplinary standing. The Pool shall be selected at the beginning of each academic year, and members shall be notified by the Director of their responsibilities in the event they are selected to serve at a hearing. Four faculty members of the pool will act as facilitators to be selected for duty in a rotating fashion for that academic year. EM 20-012(opens in new window)

Student Health Advisory Council, (Associated Students): One faculty, one year term. This diverse council consisting of students, faculty, and staff and serves as the liaison between the campus community and Student Health Service.

Study Abroad Committee: Three faculty, 3-year term, renewable. Assists the dean in managing and overseeing the growing interest in study abroad programs at CSU, Chico. EM 22-018(opens in new window)

Sustainability Affairs Council, (Associated Students): One faculty, 1-year term, renewable. Council is to act as an advocate for the general health of the Earth's physical and biological environment, and to raise and address specific issues associated with the environment.

Undergraduate Program ReviewCommittee(opens in new window):  Responsibilities of the UPRC include:
update and maintain the undergraduate program review template and guidelines; communicate with deans and department chairs to ensure timely submission of their program review materials (conducted every five to eight years); to develop and implement a process to review undergraduate program review materials; collect and review undergraduate program review materials; and submit written reports to the Provost's Office. EM 22-015 (PDF)

University Budget Committee:  The charge to the Committee is to meet regularly to review the relationship of academic programs and campus budget; to provide timely participation by faculty and students in budget processes; to propose broad strategies for adjusting the academic programs and budget to one another; and to review the effects of their implementation before adoption by the University. EM 05-17

University Committee Nominating Committee: Solicits faculty volunteers and recommends faculty appointments to permanent university committees for consider of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate. EM 23-004 (opens in new window)

University Diversity Council : Senate Chair (or faculty designee), 1 year term. The University Diversity Council (UDC) was established in fall 2014 in order to advance the priorities outlined in the Chico State 2011-2016 Diversity Action Plan. (EM 21-024) 

University Police and Public Safety Advisory Committee (UPPSAC): Faculty, staff, and student representatives from the divisions of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Business and Finance, Information Technology, University Advancement, and the Associated Students (AS). This committee acts as an advisory body to the President and Academic Senate Executive Committee by researching and recommending policies, programs, and procedures to enhance campus safety, security, and wellbeing for all members of the campus community. (EM 21-028)(opens in new window)(Supersedes EM 05-07)(opens in new window)

University Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning Committee (USFOT): One faculty representative from each instructional college appointed by their College Dean, 2-year staggered terms. This committee provides a systematic framework in which the University evaluates learning and teaching through one aspect of evaluation known as Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET). SET will serve as one component of the University’s strategy for improved student learning and should be combined with additional assessment methods, such as peer observations and teaching portfolios.EM 21-026(opens in new window) (Supersedes EM 15-010)

University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC) : One faculty member appointed by the Academic Senate Executive Committee. One-year term.  The University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC) is a standing committee that reports to the Chief Information Officer and provides a forum for broad-based advice and assistance in implementing Chico's Information Technology Strategic Plan. The committee reviews project plans and assists in setting implementation priorities. The UTAC will make technology and policy recommendations to the CIO. The CIO, the UTAC chair, or UTAC by majority vote, will bring recommendations to the executive technology committee. UTAC will make technology and policy recommendations to the CIO who is primarily responsible for bringing these recommendations to the executive technology committee and/or the cabinet.  EM 19-027

University Writing Committee: The Provost and Academic Senate Executive Committee jointly appoint one faculty member from each college to three-year staggered terms in accordance with EM 17-009

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