Third Party Billing
Student Financial Services (SFIN) will defer payment for sponsored students and will bill an external agency for registration fees, non-resident tuition, and course fees. SFIN has the right to refuse an authorization to bill an agency or deferment of fee payment for a student pending receipt of payment from a third party sponsor, due to previous refusal to pay, extended collection efforts, or other reasons.
Sponsored students must submit an authorization to bill, letter of sponsorship, purchase order, etc. to Student Financial Services by the registration fee payment deadline for each semester. Failure to submit the authorization by the fee payment deadline may result in a late fee being added to the student’s account or disenrollment for non-payment. If a late fee is added, it cannot be billed to the agency, but must be paid by the student.
Agencies are invoiced immediately following the add/drop period (third week of classes). Students should be enrolled in all classes for the semester at the end of the add/drop period and are financially responsible for any fees charged to their account due to added classes, etc., after the agency bill has been mailed. In the event an agency has not paid all fees by the tenth week of any semester, the student becomes responsible for those charges and is not able to enroll in classes for a new semester until previous semester charges are paid in full by either the agency or the student.