Annie S. Adamian, EdD
- Email:
- Phone: 530-898-4154
- Location: Tehama 437
Ed.D., International & Multicultural Education, Emphasis: Human Rights Education, Spring 2016, University of San Francisco
M.A., Curriculum & Instruction, 2010, California State University, Chico
Single Subject Teaching Credential, 2001, California State University, Chico
B.S., Geosciences, Concentration in Science Education, 2000, California State University, Chico
A.A. & A.S., General Education, 1997, Pasadena City College
Teaching and Research Interests
Prior to joining the School of Education in 2016, I served as a middle school science teacher in Chico, CA for fifteen years. Aligned with my teaching practices, my scholarship examines race evasiveness and educational equity, with a particular focus on how teacher and student agency, healing educational practices, and participatory action research shape humanizing relationships, access, and educational experiences and/or outcomes for oppressed communities.
Recent Publications
Adamian, A. S. (2022). Building Beloved Communities in Public School Classrooms. Urban Review, 1-22.
Jayakumar, U.M., Adamian, A.S., Grummert, S., Schmidt-Temple, C.T., & Arroyo, A. T. (2021). Why Are All the White Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: Toward Challenging Constructions of a Persecuted White Collective. Education Sciences, 11(11), 1–23.
Adamian, A.S. (2020). Teaching and learning toward racial justice in a public school science classroom. In Carol A. Mullen (Ed.) Handbook of Social Justice Interventions in Education. New York: Springer.
Adamian, A.S. & Jayakumar, U.M. (2018). Mutual engagement in spaces of distress: Moving from dialogue toward action across multiple contexts. The Educational Forum, 82(3), 335-350.
Jayakumar, U. M. & Adamian, A. S. (2017). Toward a Fifth Frame of Colorblind Ideology: Maintaining the Comforts of Colorblindness in the Context of White Fragility. Sociological Perspectives, 60(5), 912-936.
Jayakumar, U. M. & Adamian, A. S. (2016). Colorblind ideology and the disconnected power-analysis frame. In Pasque, P.A., Ting, M.P., Ortega, N., & Burkhardt, J.C. (Eds.), Transforming understandings of diversity in higher education: Demography, democracy and discourse (pp. 21-39). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Adamian, A. S. (2015). A moving imagination: Teacher and student agency in public schools. In Kumashiro, K. (Ed.). Against Common Sense: Teaching and Learning Toward Social Justice. New York: Routledge.
Adamian, A. S. (2015). In the spirit of democracy: Bringing to life human rights education in the science classroom. In Katz, S. & Spero, A. (Eds.). Bringing Human Rights Education to U.S. Classrooms. UK: Palgrave.
Jayakumar, U. M. & Adamian, A. S. (2015). Toward a critical race praxis for educational research: Lessons from affirmative action and social science advocacy. Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity 1(1), 22-58.
Jayakumar, U. M., & Adamian, A. S. with Chang, J. M. (2015). Reflections on the diversity (rationale) literature: Examining the potential and need for critical diversity research praxis. In Jayakumar, U. M., & Garces, L. M. (Eds.). Affirmative Action and Racial Equity: Considering the Fisher Case to Forge the Path Ahead. New York: Routledge.
Recent Presentations
Adamian, A. S. (2021). Engaging with Teacher and Student Participatory Action Research in Constricting Institutional Contexts. Paper Presentation accepted for the 11th International Conference on Education and Social Justice, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Yosso, T., Allen, W., Stovall, D., Jayakumar, U.M, Camangian, P., and Adamian, A.S. (2020). Symposium. Symposium: Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Division G, San Francisco, CA.
Adamian, A.S. & Colmenares, E. (2020). Supporting Emerging Teachers’ Dispositions Toward Racial and Social Justice. Paper Presentation accepted for the 10th International Conference on Education and Social Justice, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Adamian, A. S. (2019). Engaging with Teacher and Student Participatory Action Research in a Seventh Grade Science Classroom. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Adamian, A. S. (2019). Teacher and Student Participatory Action Research: A Methodology to Utilize While Navigating Oppressive Schooling Conditions. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Adamian, A. S. (2019). Cultivating Beloved Communities in Constricting Institutional Contexts. Paper Presentation at the 9th International Conference on Education and Social Justice, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Adamian, A.S. and Jayakumar, U. M, (2018). Engaging with Critical Race Praxis for Educational Research: Expanding the Possibilities for Racial Justice. Paper presentation at the Biennial International Conference on Urban Education (ICUE). Nassau, Bahamas.
Adamian, A.S. (2018). Cultivating Pedagogy: Teacher and Student Participatory Action Research in a Science Classroom. Paper presentation at the Biennial International Conference on Urban Education (ICUE). Nassau, Bahamas.
Adamian, A. S., Camangian, P., Jayakumar. U. M., Stovall, D., Allen, W. (Chair), & Yosso, T. (Discussant). (2018). Symposium: Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice, New York, New York.
Adamian, A. S. & Jayakumar. U. M. (2018). Affirmative Action Policy and Interest Convergence Politics: Toward a Critical Race Praxis for Educational Research. Paper presented at Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California.