School of Education

Jennifer Oloff-Lewis, PhD


Dr. Oloff-Lewis is a professor of curriculum and instruction in the College of Communication and Education. She was awarded a PhD in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in mathematics education at the Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education at Arizona State University in 2009. Dr. Oloff-Lewis has worked in the K-12 setting for over 10 years, with an emphasis on middle school mathematics and gifted education. Here at Chico State, she teaches courses on mathematics methods for credential candidates and master's degree courses.  

Dr. Oloff-Lewis is the Principal Investigator of the CLASS: Computational Literacy Across Secondary Settings at Chico State.  The CLASS Program is an accelerated, supportive master’s degree pathway with a full-time, yearlong teacher residency in one of the following areas: Mathematics (grades 7-12), Sciences (grades 7-12), English (grades 7-12), or Special Education.

Additionally, Dr. Oloff-Lewis is the PI for the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program(opens in new window) at Chico State. The Robert Noyce Scholars program aims to encourage talented Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors and professionals to enter into the teaching profession and teach mathematics or science at the secondary level. Undergraduate Noyce Scholars receive $12,250 toward tuition and fees, and $2,000 to fund additional extended learning opportunities, such as: working in the Chico State Hands-On Learning (HOL) Lab, Chico State Summer Research Institutes, the Science Teacher Researcher (STAR) program, and the Learning Assistant (LA) Program. Credential Noyce Scholars have professional development integrated into their academic program. The time commitment to the Credential Program limits the opportunities to be involved in outside professional development and extended learning opportunities, so the full $13,250 they receive goes toward tuition and fees.

Courses Frequently Taught

  • EDTE 536 - Subject Pedagogy II: Math
  • EDCI 611 - Analysis of Instruction 
  • EDMA 610 - Intro to Inquiry in Education

Recent Publications

  • Strutchens, M. E., Sears, R., Whitfield, J., Biagetti, S., Brosnan, P., Oloff-Lewis, J., . . . Parrish, C. (2019). Implementation of Paired Placement and Co-Planning/Co-Teaching Field Experience Models Across Multiple Contexts Handbook of Research on Field-Based Teacher Education (pp. 32-63): IGI Global.
  • Sears, R., Brosnan, P., Gainsburg, J., Oloff-Lewis, J.,   Stone, J., Spencer, C., Riggs, L.,  Biagetti, S., Cayton, C. , Grady, M., Junor Clarke , P., & Andreasen, J.  (2017).  Using Improvement Science to Transform Clinical Experiences with Co-Teaching Strategies. In  (Eds.) Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME)


  • Sears, R., Brosnan, P., Oloff-Lewis, J., Gainsburg, J., Stone, J., Biagetti, S., Cayton, C., Grady, M., Spencer, C., Riggs, L., & Junor Clarke, P. (2017, January).  Co-Teaching Mathematics: A Shift in Paradigm to Promote Student Success.  Research report presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education.  Honolulu, HI.
  • Sears , R.,  Brosnan, P., Grady, M.,  Cayton, C., Oloff-Lewis, J.,  Biagetti, S., Stone, J.,  Andreasen, J., Maynor, J.,  Hollebrands, K., Spencer, C., Riggs, L.,  & Gainsburg, J. (2016, July).  A collaborative effort to examine co-planning and co-teaching during clinical experiences.   Research report presentation at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13), Hamburg, Germany.

Current Grant Work

  • Computational Literacy Across Secondary Settings (CLASS) Project, Teacher Quality Partnership Grant $6,900,000, 2019-2024. Principal investigator

  • Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program.  National Science Foundation. $1,200,000, 2018-2023. Principal Investigator
  • Promoting Rural Improvement in Secondary Math and Science (PRISMS).  2014 – 19. Director of Residency in Secondary Education (RiSE). Focus: Co-teaching and Co-Planning in a secondary setting.

  • Northern California Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership. 2014 – Present. Northern California Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership. 2014 – Present Principal Investigator.  Focus: Co-teaching and Co-Planning in secondary mathematics setting. 

  • Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program.  National Science Foundation. $750,000, 2012-2015 (Co-Principal Investigator with David Kagan) 
  • Project ESTEEM. ITQ, 2016-18. Principal investigators Mike Kotar and Ben Siepel. (Mathematics Consultant)
  • MathTIME.  Summer 2015 – Present. Mathematics Coach and Advisory Board. Focus: Providing ongoing professional development for K – 8 teachers in mathematics. California Math and Science Partnership Grant – Cohort 12.
Portrait of Jennifer Oloff-Lewis, PhD