RISE Library - The RISE Library is located in AJH 124 on the Chico State campus. The Library holds hundreds of books, teaching units, costumes, artifacts, and realia to help teachers make their classrooms and teaching more alive and interesting. Library administrators have been conducting mini-workshops on using artifacts for education classes that have been well received. They are also planning a mini-workshop on how to use short pieces of literature in group work.
California Mini-Corps(opens in new window) - Coordinated with the Butte County Office of Education, the California Mini-Corps Program is modeled after the Peace Corps. The program seeks to utilize the successes of college students with backgrounds in rural migrant education by having those students volunteer in local schools, hopefully serving as role models for migrant children and encouraging those children to aspire for greatness.
Upward Bound Projects - Upward Bound seeks to improve the college experience for low-income and first-generation college students by proactively improving their experiences in high school. Upward Bound offers the services and support necessary to improve high school performance and graduation, with the ultimate goal of continuing those successes after the transition to college.
Education for the Future - Education for the Future is a program sponsored by the School of Education that works with school districts and other educational services to improve student learning through data analysis and systematic educational change.
Phi Delta Kappa - PDK is a dedicated advocate for the public schools, maintains an extensive network of more than 650 PDK chapters in the United States, Canada, and nations in Europe and Asia. The association publishes the Phi Delta Kappan, the most cited education journal in the United States, and sponsors the annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools.
Student California Teachers Association - The SCTA is a collaborative organization for University students seeking a career in education, offering many professional, educational, and economic benefits.
Continuing Education Courses for Educators - Professional advancement and continuing education opportunities are available through the Center for Regional and Continuing Education.
Rural Schools Collaborative(opens in new window) - Chico State and North State Together(opens in new window) have partnered in order to share transformational work being done in our 12 county region. Through this partnership with the Rural Schools Collaborative, we network with each other and education programs across the country to create, fund, and share innovative work and activity.
One of these innovations is the Grants in Place(opens in new window) program, which supports rural teachers in conducting place-based education.