During the Program
- Meet with your advisor early to plan out all of your MA courses from the list of required and elective courses for your MA option. Be sure to:
- Obtain a copy of the Guide to Graduate Studies (PDF).
- Meet with your assigned advisor and develop your Master’s Degree Program Plan (PDF).
- Ask your MA advisor to approve your plan and submit it to the graduate coordinator.
- While taking the first 12 units of MA courses, you must also:
- Select the type of Culminating Activities you will use to complete your MA program and communicate your choice to your MA adviser. Options include the thesis, project or comprehensive exam. (See definitions of culminating activities.)
- If you select a thesis or project, you will register for EDMA 611: Research Seminar in Education where you will begin writing your thesis/project proposal. In a following semester you will complete your thesis or project in EDMA 699T or 699P respectively.
- During your last semester, if you selected the comprehensive exam, your advisor will submit paperwork to have you enrolled in EDMA 696: Synthesizing Experience in Education. If you choose EDMA 696, you may select another MA course in lieu of EDMA 611.
- Directions for how to apply for advancement to candidate status:
- The process for advancing to candidacy should happen in the semester before the semester in which the candidate will be registered for the culminating activity. Complete the top portion of the Advancement to Candidate Status (PDF) form and submit to your advisor as a signal that you are ready to advance. The advisor will confirm the following conditions have been met before being advanced:
- Completed at least 15 units of graduate courses.
- Submitted an Master’s Degree Program Plan (PDF).
- Have a GPA of 3.0 or better.
- Completed EDMA 610 (or be currently enrolled at the time of application).
- Prepare two papers to be scored. One paper MUST be the writing assignment from EDMA 610 (the Mini-Lit Review). The other paper may be any paper from any of your graduate courses, but it must meet the requirements of the MA Writing Rubric (PDF).
- After you submit the Advancement to Candidate Status (PDF) form to your advisor, a section will be created within STEPS and you will be notified to upload your two papers. Your advisor will score your papers and you will be notified by your advisor if you have been advanced to candidacy. You may then work with your advisor to enroll you in the appropriate culminating activity for the following semester.
- The process for advancing to candidacy should happen in the semester before the semester in which the candidate will be registered for the culminating activity. Complete the top portion of the Advancement to Candidate Status (PDF) form and submit to your advisor as a signal that you are ready to advance. The advisor will confirm the following conditions have been met before being advanced:
- Register for EDMA 696 or EDMA 699T/P in the final semester.
- You must be advanced to candidate status to be enrolled in EDMA 696 or 699. Registration in these courses requires approval of your MA advisor and the graduate coordinator.
- Complete the courses listed on your program plan, including the culminating activity.
- Stay in communication with your MA adviser. Be sure to meet Graduate Studies deadlines(opens in new window) and maintain continuous enrollment in fall and spring semesters.
- Apply for graduation early in your final semester in the program.
- Pick up a graduation packet from Graduate Studies in Student Services Center 460 or call 898-6880. Complete the graduation clearance form and take it to your MA advisor for review and approval.