School of Education

Education Specialist Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credential Program Course Sequence

Note: All courses listed on this course sequence must be completed with a grade of C- or higher and with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in order to be recommended for a credential. Courses must be completed within seven years of applying for the credential. 

For Interns - Education Specialist Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credential Program Course (PDF)

For Paraprofessionals - Modified Program Plan for Paraprofessional Candidates (PDF)

Prerequisite Courses

Must be completed before beginning the credential program. Apply to the credential program by March 1 or October 1 to progress to credential courses the following semester. Grades earned for all prerequisites must be C- or higher.

Prerequisite Courses
EDTE 302Access and Equity in Education3
ENGL 471Intensive Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition3
SPED 343Overview of Special Education3
EDTE 265Exploration of Teaching and Learning in Diverse K-12 Settings
OR EDTE 255 (3) 
SPED 561Curriculum and Instruction for Inclusive Settings3

Additional Courses

Highly recommend taking these courses before program, but can take concurrently with in-program courses. All required to finish the Credential Program. 

Course Sequence
CMST 131Speech Communication Fundamentals (or CMST 132 or equivalent)3
EDTE 450Health Education for Elementary School Teachers 1
OR EDTE 451 Health Education for Secondary School Teachers (3)
POLS 155American Government: National, State, Local (or equivalent or exam)3
PSYC 414Psychology of Teaching
OR EDTE 580 Educational Psychology

Credential Program Courses

Must be accepted into the credential program in order to take these courses. Subject matter competence must be verified before applying to the program. Program starts in the fall and spring semesters.

Fall Semester Courses

First Semester Courses
SPED 520Assessment and Evaluation in General and Special Education3
SPED 691Collaboration and Laws in Special Education3
SPED 692Classroom Management for Individuals with Exceptional Needs3
SPED 672 Curriculum and Instruction – Mild to Moderate Support Needs3
SPED 582Designated Instructional Services in Special Education3
SPED 501Seminar for Field Experience1
SPED 525Teaching Practicum I: Education Specialist6
EDUC 502Assessment of Teaching Performance: Introduction2

Spring Semester Courses

Second Semester Courses
EDTE 663Literacy Development & Assessment4
RDGL 540Reading Competence Practicum3
SPED 560Inclusive Methods for Teaching Mathematics2
SPED 562Inclusive Methods for Teaching Science/Social Science/Arts3
SPED 664Instructional and Assistive Technology3
SPED 501Seminar for Field Experience1
SPED 529Teaching Practicum II (Ed. Specialist MMSN or ESN)9
EDUC 503Assessment of Teaching Performance: Application3

If courses from another university are used to satisfy prerequisites or other course requirements, an equivalency form, course descriptions, syllabi, and transcripts must be provided.