All Preliminary Teaching Credential candidates and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential candidates are required to complete a summative assessment before a recommendation for a credential will be issued.
- CalTPA- For Multiple & Single Subject
California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA) is a state-mandated, summative assessment completed by Multiple and Single Subject candidates. Successful completion of an approved TPA is required by the state to earn a preliminary credential (Education Code Section 44320.2).
CalTPA is split up into two cycles, which can be submitted separately. Both must be passed.CalTPA Passing Standard
The passing score standards for the redeveloped CalTPA as of August 23, 2019 are as follows:
- Cycle 1 (8 rubrics): A final score of 19 points with one rubric score of 1 allowed.
- Cycle 2 (9 rubrics): A final score of 21 points with one rubric score of 1 allowed.
CTC CalTPA Office hours (as of 1/15/23)
For candidates: held weekly on Wednesday, 4:15-5:00 pm Zoom
- Bring questions regarding CalTPA submissions to CTC staff
- Classes attending en masse should be prepared to ask questions about their current submission cycle
CalTPA Program & Candidate Support Playlist (CTC YouTube Channel) in new window)
Useful Links
- Overview — The CalTPA website
- CalTPA Policies — All rules, requirements, procedures and policies you agree to abide by when taking the TPA.
- Teaching Performance Expectations — An in-depth description of the TPEs targeted by the CalTPA.
- CalTPA Preparation Materials(opens in new window) — Supporting materials and guides for the CalTPA.
- CalTPA FAQ (PDF) - A Short FAQ for some of the more common questions about CalTPA.
- CalTPA Cycle 1 Self Assessment (PDF) - A self-assessment tool aligned to level 3 on each rubric.
- CalTPA Cycle 2 Self Assessment (PDF) - A self-assessment tool aligned to level 3 on each rubric.
- Education Specialist CalTPA- For Education Specialist and Concurrent Program
An Education Specialist California Teaching Performance Assessment (EdSpTPA) is a state-mandated, summative assessment completed by Education Specialist candidates. Successful completion of an approved TPA is required by the state to earn a preliminary credential (Education Code Section 44320.2).
EdSpCalTPA is split up into two cycles, which can be submitted separately. Both must be passed.TPA Passing Standard
The passing score standards for the EdSpCalTPA as of August 23, 2022 are as follows:
For Mild to Moderate Support Needs
- Cycle 1 (8 rubrics): A final score of 17 points with one rubric score of 1 allowed.
- Cycle 2 (9 rubrics): A final score of 19 points with one rubric score of 1 allowed.
For Extensive Support Needs
- Cycle 1 (8 rubrics): A final score of 15 points with one rubric score of 1 allowed.
- Cycle 2 (9 rubrics): A final score of 17 points with one rubric score of 1 allowed.
CTC TPA Office hours (as of 1/15/23)
For candidates: 1st and 3rd Friday of every month at 10am
Zoom Link: Bring questions regarding TPA submissions to your program coordinator first.
- Classes attending en masse should be prepared to ask questions about their current submission cycle
TPA Program & Candidate Support Playlist (CTC YouTube Channel) in new window)
Useful Links
- Overview — The EdSpCalTPA website
- EdSpCalTPA Policies — All rules, requirements, procedures and policies you agree to abide by when taking the TPA.
- Teaching Performance Expectations — An in-depth description of the TPEs targeted by the EdSpCalTPA.
- EdSpCalTPA Preparation Materials(opens in new window) — Supporting materials and guides for the EdSpCalTPA.
- CalAPA- For Preliminary Administrative Services (PASC)
A California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) is a state-mandated, summative assessment completed by Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) candidates. Successful completion of an approved performance assessment is required by the state to earn the credential (Education Code Section 44320.2).
CalAPA is split up into three cycles, which can be submitted separately. All must be passed.TPA Passing Standard
The passing score standards for the CalAPA as of August 23, 2022 are as follows:
- Cycle 1 (8 rubrics): A final score of 14 points.
- Cycle 2 (7 rubrics): A final score of 12 points.
- Cycle 3 (7 rubrics): A final score of 12 points.
CTC CalAPA Office hours (as of 1/15/23)
For candidates: The Performance Assessment Office Hours are every Wednesday, from 5:00-5:45pm Zoom
CTC's YouTube Program & Candidate Support Playlist in new window)
Useful Links
- Overview — The CalAPA website
- CalAPA Policies — All rules, requirements, procedures and policies you agree to abide by when taking the TPA.
- California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPE) — An in-depth description of the standards & expectations CalAPA.
- CalAPA Preparation Materials(opens in new window) — Supporting materials and guides
- Borrowing Cameras, Filming & Video Editing Guides & Forms
Camcorder Check-Out Information and Equipment Help
- All candidates will be required to bring a printed and signed equipment contract (PDF) in order to borrow equipment.
- The physical office is by appointment Email to schedule camera check-outs or returns, and inform her of your intended filming dates.
- Please indicate a preferred appointment time between 8-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Requests will be accommodated when possible.
- Camera checkouts are for a 2-week period. This ensures we have enough equipment for all candidates.
- If you have extenuating circumstances and need a lengthier loan window, please make a request up front so we can review our available equipment to determine if we can accommodate the request.
- The School of Education Assessment Analyst, Pamela Dunlap, is available via email at to answer questions regarding CalTPA, TPA filming, exporting, or camcorder operation.
TPA Filming and Equipment Guides and Forms
- Check Out Contract (PDF) - The contract students are required to fill out in order to check out camera equipment
- Zoom Q4 Camcorder Guides:
- Zoom Filming Guide (PDF) — A one-page guide to using the Zoom camcorder.
- Video Editing Guide (PDF) — A one-page guide to creating video clips from your filmed footage using campus licensed software available to all current students, Adobe Premiere Rush.