CSU Learn Bundles
Did you know that CSU Learn has 10,000+ courses and materials for learning, including 22,000+ books?
Both learning systems have bundles or collections of courses to help you filter to find what you need. Theses bundles or collections identify multiple courses on a topic, including preparation courses, assessments and books for various certifications.
CSU Learn Bundles
To find bundles of courses on a particular topic in CSU Learn, use the Library tile. Select the library tile, then select the arrow (>) to the left of a topic to view sub topics.
For example, to find the CSU's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion bundle:
- Login to CSU Learn
- Select the Library tile
- Select the arrow (>) to the left of "CSU's Learning and Development"
- Select the arrow (>) to the left of "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion"
- In the results in the right panel, select the BUNDLE titled "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion"
- This should result in a list of 20+ courses
In the Search box in the upper right of CSU Learn, type in a title or author to find a specific book.
To find bundles of courses to prepare learners for certification exams, search the Library for the topic.
For example, to find Project Management bundles:
- Login to CSU Learn
- Select the Library tile
- Select the arrow (>) to the left of "Skillsoft Percipio Content"
- Select the arrow (>) to the left of "Certifications"
- Select the arrow (>) to the left of "Project Management Institute (PMI)"
- Select Project Management
- This should result in a list of 9 bundles