MESA Engineering Program/Chico STEM Connections Collaborative

Meet The Tutors

Paloma Velazquez
Paloma Velazquez

Major: Pre-nursing

Favorite Course: ANTH 113 (Human Cultural Diversity) and BIO 103 (Human Anatomy)

Future Plans: Graduate from the Chico State Nursing Program and pursue a career as a pediatric nurse! 

From: Live Oak, CA

Fun Fact: I recently rescued a kitten!

John Nyznyk

John Nyznyk

Major: Biochemistry

Favorite Course: CHEM 370M (Organic Chemistry Laboratory)

Future Plans: Science Teacher or Pharmacy

From: Ventura, CA

Fun Fact: I’m 6’4” but I have smaller hands than most of my friends :(

Corina Gherle

Corina Gherle

Major: Biochemistry

Favorite Course: CHEM 451 (Biochemistry), CHEM 452 (Biochemistry) or BIOL 371 (Microbiology)

Future Plans: Graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree and find a job in the industry

From: Marysville, CA

Fun Fact: I can speak Romanian and do art as a hobby.

Catherine Crichton

Christine Chrichton

Major: Mechanical Engineering and Physics

Favorite Course: Weight Lifting or Yoga

Future Plans: Graduate school for Mechanical Engineering at CU Boulder

From: Palo Alto, CA

Fun Fact: I'm a twin!