- Determine an audit team and dedicate time for training (done!)
- Conduct audits on FMS offices and Meriam Library
- Goal to audit at least 1-2 offices thoroughly and build a long-term relationship with office occupants
- Prepare for 4-5 follow-ups of previously audited offices
- Outreach for club activities and solicit more participation
- Designing flyers to promote the club
- Tabling around campus
- Host a workshop at Earth Day Festival
- Host a "Diversion Excursion" for office spaces at the end of semester
- Brainstorm workshop ideas for Fall
- Add composting bins in offices and promote use of the campus garden by the bike track
Sustainable Consultants of Office Practices (SCOOP)
Spring 2019 Goals
Victoria Blumer
Mackenzie Deeter
Zaida Hernandez
Naomy Mendez
Karli Miller
Jillian Olivar
Contact Us!
Interested in volunteering?
Would you like a complimentary audit of your office space?