Sustainability at Chico State

Campus Sustainability Subcommittee Membership and Goals

Peaceful scenery with a barn

Per EM-19-033, the Campus Sustainability Committee includes several subcommittees with the charge and purpose of working on 12-18 month actionable goals to progress our campus sustainability efforts.  There are currently eleven subcommittees covering many facets of sustainability.  Each subcommittee is chaired by a Campus Sustainability Committee member and includes of a variety of faculty, staff, students, and community members, each bringing a unique perspective and expertise to the work.  

If you are interested in getting involved in any of the subcommittees, reach out to the chair of that subcommittee who can give an update on the current goals and initiatives that the subcommittee is undertaking.

The below goals will be updated periodically and progress on goal completion will be communicated at the close of every spring semester.  

All of the subcommittees are hard at work and excited to help our campus meet our sustainability goals!

Campus Sustainability Subcommittee Membership and Goals


Chair: Maria Giovanni (NFSC)(opens in new window)

Angela Casler (BUSS)

Cynthia Daley (CRARS/AG)

Nate Millard (RHPM/FYE)

Don Miller (BIOL)

Al Schademan (Education)

Mark Stemen (GEOG)

Eli Goodsell (BCCER)

  • Update the student learning outcomes for the Green Leaf Course Designation to focus on climate change.
  • Formalize the process for courses to earn a Green Leaf designation including criteria, eligibility, application process, and interval checks on course content.

  • Develop faculty workshops to help integrate climate change into curricula


Chair: Al Schademan (SCED)(opens in new window)

Mandy Banet (BIOL)

Natalie Carter (CSE)

Pablo Cornejo-Warner (CIVL)

Jeff Davids (CIVL/AG)

Kristen Kaczynski (GEOS)

  • Create a database of sustainability research on campus in collaboration with CSE
  • Create an online repository for sustainability research with links to final grant reports, open access publications, etc.
  • Create a green leaf research "tag" to designate sustainability research

Student Engagement

Chair: Kendall Ross (RECS)(opens in new window)

Denise Crosswhite (Housing)

Haley Coffman (student)

Jabari Jenkins (student)

Carter Dishman (student)

Katrina Rynne (student)

Jo Vidal (student)

Jesse Zendejas (Student)

Yeni Brambila Fletes (Student)

  • Plan, coordinate, and execute 2 in-person, impact events to engage students in sustainable action

  • Conduct at least 1 targeted social media campaign regarding a topic from the campus sustainability committee work



Carter Dishman (student)

Ivan Garcia (BCAG)

Christopher Nicodemus (UPD)

LaDona Knigge (GEOG)

Heather Mccafferty (ANTH)

John Pearson (Chico Velo)

Jeff Schwein (Green DOT)

Wyatt West (City of Chico)

Ann Bykerk-Kauffman (GEOS)

Sam Back (EAPP)

  • Research geographic parking permit restrictions and either propose/adopt or shelve for future consideration

  • Create map of where students, faculty, and staff live and overlay with alternative transportation infrastructure to identify areas in need of improvement
  • Develop and launch an outreach plan to increase B-Line ridership 

  • Bring attention to bike theft/vandalism with signage at bike racks with registration info, proper locking, and how to report incidents

  • Research options for secure bike parking facilities

Zero Waste

Chair: Bri Saseen (AP)(opens in new window)

Mike Alonzo (FMS – Grounds)

Becky Holden (Recology - Zero Waste)

Daisy Chavez (student)

  • Implement a central tracking data/management system
  • Develop a recycling collection bin standardization model

  • Implement the Ozzi system in AS Dining


Chair: Tom Rider (AS - Dining)(opens in new window)

Sara Rumiano (Procurement)

Zac Smith (FMS-Design & Construction)

Kenny Wahl (EHS)

  • Analyze outputs to determine what to focus CSUC procurement guidelines towards i.e. mitigate landfill waste by choosing sustainably responsible vendor partnerships
  • Increase 'hyperlocal' food procurement in Dining Services

  • Review updated CSU procurement policy to establish specific CSUC guidelines

Natural Environment

Chair: Eli Goodsell (BCCER)(opens in new window)

Cindy Daley (AGRI)

Megan Kurtz (Office of the Pres.)

Jason Schwenkler (North State Planning & Development Collective)

  • Launch the Environmental Resiliency Collaborative 

  • Develop goals and associated stakeholder working groups

  • Apply for a minimum of two grant opportunities focused on the natural environment and working lands


Chair: Nani Teves (AS-Sustainability)(opens in new window)

David Kehn (Cal Water)

Michael Spiess (AG)

  • To more quickly and accurately share our total and per capita water use, cumulate campus Cal Water accounts and create a code within the Cal Water system

  • Inventory and map indoor hydration stations and make recommendations for new ones

  • Inventory, develop usage guidelines, document cleaning procedures, and create outreach for outdoor portable hydration stations

  • Replace water and energy intensive dishwasher in the BMU 

  • Measure pressure efficiency of irrigation systems beginning with the soccer field


Chair: Cynthia Daley (CRARS/AG)(opens in new window)

Lee Altier (PSSC – COA)

Jake Brimlow (AGBS – COA)

Noelle Ferdon (POLS)

Jared Geiser (student)

Scott Grist (OVP – University Farm)

Matt Housley (OH – University Farm)

Jamal Javanmardi (PSSC - COA)

Garrett Liles (PSSC – COA)

Sheila McQuaid (CHC)

Tom Rider (AS - Dining)

Priya Tuvell (CRARS)

  •  Develop a "whole farm" soil carbon assessment including Meridian Rd and University Farm
  • Create and implement Carbon Farm Plan (CFP) using best practices for the University Farm and Meridian Rd
  • Create an integrated food procurement program plan around the Real Food Challenge that includes local farms, University Farm, and OVP
  • Reinvent and implement a new the North Valley Food Hub
  • Develop a plan for food waste composting at the University Farm

Energy & Built Environment


Marie Patterson (CMGT)

Kaylee Biedermann (Student)

Zac Smith (FMS-Design & Construction)

  •  Write and publish a campus Strategic Energy Master Plan (PDF) outlining steps to reduce emissions from natural gas combustion and electricity use as well as associated costs.

  • Implement ECOVOX energy metering software

  • Develop the required space for an efficient and effective campus recycling hub

  • Install Solar Phase 1

  • Campus energy resilience project

  • Plan for solar phase 2

  • Improve the bike path through campus