School of Social Work

Sue Steiner, PhD

Professor Emeritus
BSS, Room 225D

Sue joined the School of Social Work Fall 2007. While she has taught courses across the social work curriculum, her primary focus has been in the area of macro practice.

Sue Steiner has been involved in social work practice, primarily community organizing, since receiving her MSW from San Francisco State University in 1986. She has taught social work with larger systems at Whittier College and Arizona State University for the past 13 years.

Dr. Steiner's primary research interests are in the areas of teaching effectiveness, social and economic justice, and community organizing. She works with community groups to assist with strategic planning, needs assessment, organizing, fundraising, and program evaluation.


BA, Brandeis University, 1981
MSW, San Francisco State University, 1986
PhD, University of Washington, 1993

Professir Sue Steiner, PhD