Civic Engagement
Co-Teaching & Community Engagement is a part of
Civic Engagement at Chico State.
Welcome to this resource for Co-teaching & Civic Engagement at Chico State. Also called collaborative teaching, team teaching, coordinated studies, or co-teaching, the idea of interdisciplinary teaching is to provide students the unique opportunity to learn about a subject or issue from multiple lenses. Interdisciplinary teaching utilizes multiple perspectives and disciplines to examine a current issue (Newell 2010).
Adding a civic engagement component furthers the student’s ability to apply and connect the work to the real world. Research suggests that this is good for students, faculty, and communities.
We hope this website can be a dynamic and useful resource on our campus and beyond. Here you can find answers and resources for frequently asked questions--where might I find examples or models of team teaching? How do I find a classroom that fits our co-teaching needs?--examples of course pairings from Chico State colleagues, and current research related to co-teaching models.
We welcome your participation and hope you will contact Susan Roll in the Office of Civic Engagement to share your course or inquire about resources.
On November 8th, 2018 a devastating wildfire destroyed the town of Paradise, California and the effects on the entire North State have been tremendous.
While we grieve and begin to think about the recovery process, we recognize the important “dangerous opportunity” this provides for us as an Institution to teach and learn from each other. There are so many aspects of this disaster that we could never have imagined – from resource management, to climate change, to social services, to social change.
This section of the Co-Teaching website and links are meant to provide a resource for all of us as we move forward from this tragedy. Your ideas and input are very welcome.