Title IX and DHR

Title IX Resources

Rights and Options For Victims of Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking (PDF)

Title IX Coordinator

Kendall Hall, Room 220
Chico, CA 95929-0010

Erika Romo
Title IX Coordinator & DHR Administrator
  eromo1@csuchico.edu(opens in new window)  titleix@csuchico.edu
☎   530-898-4949

WellCat Safe Place

(Confidential Resource)

Student Services Center (SSC) Room 430  
☎   530-898-3030
✉   safeplace@csuchico.edu
Website: www.csuchico.edu/safeplace (opens in new window)

CSU, Chico Police Department

Corner of W. 2 nd and Chestnut Streets
Chico, CA 95929-0133
Website: CSU, Chico Police Department (opens in new window)

WellCat Health Center

(Confidential Resource)

Corner of Legion and Warner Street
Chico, CA 95929-0777
Website: CSU, Chico Student Health Center (opens in new window)

WellCat Counseling Center

(Confidential Resource)

Student Services Center (SSC), Room 430
Chico, CA 95929-0702
Website: Chico Counseling and Wellness (opens in new window)

Associated Students Community Legal Information Center (CLIC)

25 Main Street Suite 102
Chico CA 95929-0190
Website: Associated Students Community Legal Information Center(opens in new window)

City of Chico Police Department

1460 Humboldt Rd
Chico CA 95928
Website:  https://chico.ca.us/City-Services/Public-Safety/

Enloe Hospital

1531 Esplanade
Chico CA 95926
Business ☎  530-891-1331
Website: Enloe Hospital (opens in new window)

Oroville Hospital

2767 Olive Highway
Oroville CA 95966
Open 24 hours
Business ☎ 530-533-8500
Website: Oroville Hospital(opens in new window)

Catalyst Domestic Violence Services

330 Wall Street, Suite 50
Chico CA 95928
24 hour crisis line: ☎ 800-895-8476
Business ☎
Website: Catalyst Domestic Violence Services (opens in new window)

Stonewall Alliance Center

358 East 6th Street
Chico CA 95928
Website: Stonewall Alliance Center (opens in new window)

Confidentiality and Mandatory Reporting - Example

I am required under the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy to report to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Dispute Resolution (EODR) any prohibited conduct including Discrimination, Harassment, Sex-based Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, or Retaliation.  Any individual impacted by this contact has a right to receive support and learn about their options.

Students may speak to someone confidentially by contacting the WellCat Counseling Center 530-893-6345 or WellCat Safe Place 530-898-3030. Information on campus reporting obligations and other Title IX related resources are available here: Title IX . If you would like to report prohibited conduct on behalf of yourself or someone else, you can do so here.

If applicable: I also have a mandatory reporting responsibility related to my role as a XX (specify if desired).