Title IX Training
As part of our commitment to creating and sustaining an educational and working environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct, Chico State requires that all staff, faculty, and students complete an annual online Title IX/Sexual Misconduct training. The goal of the training is to educate the campus community as to the various roles and responsibilities we all have, and to establish a baseline understanding from which we can all operate.
The required student Title IX training, covers crucial topics such as consent, healthy and unhealthy relationships and what to do in the event sexual misconduct occurs. Students will also learn how to identify potentially dangerous situations and how to intervene to put a stop to them. The training gives students the knowledge and power to make Chico State safer for everyone.
The employee training, Gender Equity and Title IX, is required of staff, faculty, and student employees, and is similar to the student training, but with an emphasis on employee and institutional responsibility in preventing and appropriately responding to sexual misconduct.
Our Title IX team has developed an in-person Gender Equity & Title IX training for faculty and staff. This includes tips and sample responses for responsible employees on responding to disclosures. If anyone would like to request a training for your department, please send a request to titleix@csuchico.edu.