Title IX and DHR

Title IX Training

As part of our commitment to creating and sustaining an educational and working environment free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, sex-based harassment, and retaliation, the CSU requires that all staff, faculty, and students complete an annual online Title IX training. The goal of the training is to educate the campus community as to the various roles and responsibilities we all have, and to establish a baseline understanding from which we can all operate.

Title IX Trainings Dashboard

 graphs of people viewing the title ix training dashboard

Click here to veiw Title IX Trainings Dashboard

Training Requirements

Employee Training Requirement

The employee training, Gender Equity and Title IX, is required of staff, faculty, and student employees, and is similar to the student training, but with an emphasis on employee and institutional responsibility in preventing and appropriately responding to prohibited conduct.

Our Title IX team has developed an in-person Gender Equity & Title IX training for faculty and staff. This includes tips and sample responses for responsible employees on responding to disclosures. If anyone would like to request a training for your department, please send a request to titleix@csuchico.edu.

Student Training Requirement

The required student Title IX training, covers crucial topics such as consent, healthy and unhealthy relationships and what to do in the event prohibited conduct occurs.

All students have a mandatory online training: Chico State Student Title IX Training - Impressions. Due Date: 9/25/2024.Spring Enrollees Due Date: 4/1/2025

We are using new training software this year, and returning students may have noticed the name of the course has changed. This new version should be more mobile-device friendly and less likely to be distressing in its content. It is approximately 30 minutes long.

This is how to access the course:

  1. You may navigate to CSU Learn from the Portal page or by searching CSU Learn on the campus website.

Locate a link to CSU Learn on the portal or campus website> Select Chico from the dropdown menu> Login with your Chico State username and password > Click on the Assigned Learning tab and depending on the training click on the Start or Register button (top right corner).

  1. Or, you may find the direct link to the training here: Title IX Training
  2. Or, you may also find your assigned training at your CSU Learn


Any student who may have difficulty completing the training due to its content, such as finding it activating or uncomfortable, please reach out to WellCat Safe Place at safeplace@csuchico.edu for alternative means of completing the assignment.

If you have any questions regarding the Title IX training, please contact us at titleix@csuchico.edu or 530 898-4949.

If you experience any problems accessing any of the training due to incompatibility with assistive technology or if you need the information provided in an alternative format, please contact the Accessibility Resource Center(opens in new window) (ARC) at 530-898-5959.

Request A Training 

We offer specialized training on topics including protected status discrimination and harassment, sex-based misconduct, and related retaliation. Our goal is to empower our campus community through education, awareness, and promote a culture of safety and accountability. 

We are excited and eager to come into your classrooms, departments, and clubs/orgs, INVITE US! We host trainings in person or via zoom!

We offer a variety of customizable Training Opportunities, including:

  • Title IX/DHR Overview
  • Definitions of Prohibited Conduct
  • How to Report
  • Employee Reporting Responsibilities (including responsibilities for student employees)
  • Investigation Process
  • Supportive Measures and resources available to students and employees at Chico State
  • Campus Clery Act
  • Campus Safety

These trainings are designed to be engaging, informative, and can be customized to the current needs of your group and the time available.

Request a Training(opens in new window)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at titleix@csuchico.edu or 530-898-4949.