Title IX - Preventing Sex Discrimination

Title IX Student Training

Chico State’s primary concern is the safety of its campus community members. All California State University (CSU) students are required to complete Title IX training as part of a system-wide effort to ensure that all CSU students are provided a safe learning environment.

What are the titles of the training programs?

All students have a mandatory online training: Chico State Student Title IX Training - ImpressionsDue Date9/25/2024.

All Chico State students are required by the California State University Nondiscrimination Policy to complete Title IX training each academic year.   An online training program has been implemented to ensure that all students receive necessary information on dating violence, domestic violence, sexual misconduct/sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking.

We are using new training software this year, and returning students may have noticed the name of the course has changed. This new version should be more mobile-device friendly and less likely to be distressing in its content. It is approximately 40-45 minutes long.

Do all students take the same training?

There are separate training modules depending on student class and status:

  • Freshmen
  • Transfer and Graduate/Post Baccalaureate*
  • Continuing Students

*Graduate/post baccalaureate students include students enrolled in the credential program and other post baccalaureate programs.

New Students

New students, including freshman, transfer, and graduate/post baccalaureate students, must complete their assigned training by 9/25/2024 (fall enrollees) or April 1 (spring enrollees). Be advised that students who do not complete the training will have a registration hold placed on their record, which will prevent future enrollment.

Continuing Students

Continuing students, must complete the training by April 1. Be advised that students who do not complete the training will have an registration hold placed on their record, which will prevent future enrollment.

This is how to access the course: 

  1. You may navigate to CSU Learn from the Portal page or by searching CSU Learn on the campus website.

Locate a link to CSU Learn on the portal or campus website> Select Chico from the dropdown menu> Login with your Chico State username and password > Click on the Assigned Learning tab and depending on the training click on the Start or Register button (top right corner).

  1. Or, you may find the direct link to the training here: Title IX Training
  2. Or, you may also find your assigned training at your CSU Learn
    dashboard. https://csu.sumtotal.host/core/dash/Learning_Assigned/initial

Any student who may have difficulty completing the training due to its content, such as finding it activating or uncomfortable, please reach out to WellCat Safe Place at safeplace@csuchico.edu for alternative means of completing the assignment.

If you have any questions regarding the Title IX training, please contact us at titleix@csuchico.edu or 530 898-4949.

The WellCat Counseling Center(opens in new window), located in SSC 430, can be reached at 530-898-6345 is available on a walk-in basis. For more information about resources on and off campus, please see the Title IX Resources page.

If you experience any problems accessing any of the training due to incompatibility with assistive technology or if you need the information provided in an alternative format, please contact the Accessibility Resource Center(opens in new window) (ARC) at 530-898-5959.

Have Questions?

Please see Title IX Student Training FAQ's