School Hymn
In response to a decree made in 1934 by music department head Ruth Rowland Taylor, two student poets, Darlys Partridge and Frances Shier, began work on what would become the University Hymn. They wrote a one-verse song to the music of Finlandia by Finnish composer Jean Sibelius. Sibelius granted his permission to use the music in exchange for a box of cigars. The song was adopted as the official University Hymn one year later, but the cigars took another 13 years to reach Finland! In 1998, English Professor Emeritus Ernst Schoen-Rene penned the additional two verses in order to “make the [song] more strongly tied to this (and only this) university.”
The Glenn Kendall Carillon
In May 1966, University alumni and friends presented the carillon housed in the bell tower of Trinity Hall to Glenn Kendall, who served as president of Chico State from 1950 to 1966. The carillon is played on special occasions and regularly on the hour and half-hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays. The words to the hourly carillon tune are:
Ding Dong
Ding Dong
Hear the Bells Chime
High in the Tower
Hark to the Hour
The Record
The Record(opens in new window) began as a monthly magazine of the Chico State Normal School in March of 1896 under the title of The Normal Record, and soon became a quarterly, then in 1914, a semi-annual publication. The Record attained its recognizable “yearbook” form when it began to be published annually in 1919. When the school became Chico State College in 1922 The Normal Record became the Record. The Record was then published annually until 1970, when, due to rising costs, publication of the yearbook ceased. It was revived again in 1976 and sustained publication until 1997 when the last edition was printed.
Campus Courtesy
Campus Courtesy: A Handbook of Etiquette was prepared by the students in Home Economics at Chico State College and printed by the Industrial Arts Printshop, and includes detailed information on etiquette of the day for a variety of social situations.