Training Management

2019 Enterprise Training Collaborative Meetings

The Enterprise Training Collab meets bi-weekly to discuss maintenance, support, and projects relating to the Development and Training System (DTS).

The board includes representatives from several departments, including:

  • Distributed Learning Technologies (DLT)
  • Professional Development (PDEV)
  • Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
  • Facilities Management & Services (FMS)
  • Information Security (ISEC)
  • Creative Media and Technology (CMT)
  • Enterprise Applications (EAPP)
  • Accessible Technology Services (TEIN)
  • Research Foundation (FD)
  • Associated Students Human Resources (ASHR)

Agendas and meeting notes can be found at the links below:

2019 Meeting Dates

December 18, 2019

  1. Completed/In-Process/Requested Learning activities  
  2. Technical Issues with Assigned Learning (system errors)
  3. President’s scorecard updates - Bev
  4. Data Security Training for L1 Employees
  5. Re-training and Recertification discussion
  6. CSU Learn Training for Managers

November 6, 2019

  1. Completed/In-Process/Requested Learning activities  
  2. Technical Issues with Assigned Learning
  3. President’s scorecard updates - Bev
  4. EHS Reports
  5. Adding new topics to the Library
  6. SumTotal Workshop in Long Beach
  7. Planned Downtime 11/9 from 12 pm- 6 pm PST

October 23, 2019

  1. Completed/In-Process/Requested Learning activities  
  2. Technical Issues - Internet Explorer issue, Registration Issues, Player Issues
  3. Audience Adjustments - completed and pending (Robert)
  4. Managing Training for CSE and AS 
  5. Adding new topics to the Library
  6. Advanced Reporting
  7. Red Flag training

September 25, 2019

  1. Completed/In-Process/Requested Learning activities  
  2. Technical Issues - Skillsoft expired course; Inaccurate Transcript records.
  3. EHS Audience Adjustments - completed and pending
  4. Managing Training for CSE and AS 
  5. Red Flag Training and Sexual Harassment Training
  6. Follow up for Overdue Training 
  7. Advanced reporting update
  8. Linkedin Update (Robert)

September 11, 2019

  1. Completed Learning activities  (Qualtrics survey)
  2. Population Issue Update
  3. EHS Audience Adjustments 
  4. Managing Training for CSE and AS (organizations setup)
  5. Red Flag Training and Sexual Harassment Training (Audience Planning)
  6. Advanced reporting update - IRES
  7. Linkedin Update (Robert)

August 28, 2019

  1. Completed learning activities requests
  2. Population Issue Update
  3. Red Flag Training 
  4. Training Requests
  5. Fire extinguisher training update (Marjorie)
  6. Mandatory reporter assignment
  7. A priority list of PDEV and EHS courses to be built
  8. Advanced reporting update

August 14, 2019

  1. CSULearn Presentation at AOA Summer HR Meeting  ( Russ/Bev)
  2. Linkedin Learning/CSU Learn
  3. Population Update
  4. Training Assignments
  5. Training Requests
  6. SDSU Peoplesoft Mod
  7. Advanced Reporting update

July 17, 2019

  1. Review finished course projects
    1. Asbestos Awareness
    2. Bloodborne Pathogens declination form (BBP form)
    3. Bloodborne Pathogens training (BBP course)
    4. Concur Travel
    5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    6. Respirator training
  2. Review finished system projects
    1. DTS decommission
  3. Discuss ongoing course projects
    1. Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors
    2. Sexual Harassment Prevention for Non-Supervisors
    3. Conflict of Interest
    4. Form 700
    5. PCI DSS (checking with ISEC; may be done already)
  4. Discuss ongoing system projects
    1. Additional security roles (soon?)
    2. User population reconciliation (August?)
    3. API buckets for auxiliary users (September?)
    4. Process for importing additional training records

June 19, 2019

  1. Fixed or Rolling Due date for COI (Bev)
  2. CSU Learn Names change –confirmed middle names are going away
  3. Learning activity guide for facilitators (Dave/Bev)
  • Learning objectives
  • Feedback question (survey)
  • ROI
  1. EHS legacy training history upload 
  2. Legacy course review and process ( courses in DTS/not yet in CSU Learn)
  3. Training request process - New vs Existing 
  4. Assignments completed and pending

May 22, 2019

  1. Status check on CSU Learn learning activities
  2. Assignment Status Check (Robert)
  3. Training Project requests public view
  4. System Issues and enhancement requests desktop
  5. Employee Leave status in CSU Learn
  6. CSU Learn Quick Guides
  7. DTS decommissioning (6/30/19)
  8. University communication (Assigned courses, Quick guides)

May 8, 2019

  1. Status check on CSU Learn learning activities
  2. Assignment Status Check (Robert)
  3. Tracking BBP forms
  4. CSU Learn Search
  5. Training Project requests public view
  6. System Issues and enhancement requests (Meetings/Desktop)
  7. CSU Learn Quick Guides
  8. Final signoff on completed ETC projects by TACs

April 3, 2019

  1. Status check on CSU Learn learning activities
  2. Assignment Status Check (Robert)
  3. Training Project requests public view(opens in new window)
  4. System Issues and enhancement requests 
  5. CSU Learn Reporting
  6. Final signoff on completed ETC projects by TACs

March 6, 2019

  1. Status check on CSU Learn learning activities
  2. Training Project requests public view ( new link, tags)
  3. System Issues and enhancement requests
  4. Assignments Status update ( Robert)
  5. Advanced reporting update (Ross and Dave)
  6. Update on CSU Learn training (Ross and Marjorie)

February 20, 2019

  1. Assignments progress report
  2. Sample CSU Learn reports
  3. Status check on CSU Learn learning activities
  4. Training Project requests ( desktop view)
  5. System Issues and enhancement requests
  6. Upcoming CSU Learn training (Ross and Marjorie)
  7. Change to project workflow to include final signoff by TAC
  8. Other CSU Learn related news

February 6, 2019

  1. CSU Learn is live!
    1. History upload complete
    2. Course assignments in progress
    3. CO vs Chico content
    4. Population issue
  2. Show TD reports
    1. Project requests
    2. Projects - Courses
    3. Projects - Enhancement Requests
  3. How to submit tickets and requests -
  4. Training website
    1. What's new since we last met
    2. Scheduled downtime for non-prod
    3. Updates to workflow
  5. Portal link coming soon (2/13)
  6. List of things to include when submitting training
  7. Scheduling walk-through training (Marjorie + Ross)
  8. Collecting training info from blackout month

January 23, 2019

  1. CSU Learn status update
    1. What will be available at go-live?
    2. Assignment data
    3. History data
    4. Ticketing system
    5. Course workflow
    6. CSU Learn training

January 9, 2019

Meeting cancelled.