Janet Turner Print Museum

K-12 School Tours

The Turner welcomes K-12 class visits on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am-12pm during scheduled exhibitions. All visits are free and include a guided tour and hands-on art activity, led by Turner staff or Chico State Art Education faculty.

Register using our online form today! Reservations are required at least two weeks in advance. Please contact turnerinfo@csuchico.edu with any questions.

Request a School Tour

Turner Field Trips

Guidelines for Your Visit

We look forward to sharing the joy of art and printmaking with you. In order to ensure a successful visit for all, we request that you observe the following procedures.

Adequate Number of Chaperones

Groups must be accompanied by an adequate number of chaperones, at least one adult per 10 students for grades 3-12. Chaperones must stay with their group throughout the visit and take responsibility for the group's behavior and personal needs.

For Groups Larger Than 25 People

The maximum number the museum can accommodate at one time is 25. Larger groups may visit in shifts, rotating between The Turner and another activity nearby. 


Students are asked to leave backpacks in the car or on the bus. Otherwise, all backpacks must be left in the museum lobby.

Rules for Students

Because the safety of students and care of the art is important to us, please prepare students to observe the following rules:

Be considerate of others—speak quietly.

  • Touch only what they are invited to touch.
  • Do not run in the gallery.
  • Do not bring food or drinks into the gallery.

Turn Cell Phones to Vibrate

For chaperones and older students: turn cell phones off or to vibrate. We appreciate your preparation and cooperation. We hope you enjoy your visit and come often!