Undergraduate Education

Recipients of the Student Awards for Research and Creativity

Undergraduate/Graduate Awards

Summer 2023
RecipientMajorProjectApplication available for viewing
Katie McIlhennymillerAnthropologyBoiled vs. Bottled: Analyzing Oxygen Isotope Signatures from Taiwanese Water to Aid Anthropological InvestigationsYes (PDF)
Spring 2023
RecipientMajorProjectApplication available for viewing
Christopher RobinsonSocial WorkChild Welfare Social Worker Retention: The Relationship of Secondary Trauma and Pandemic StressorsYes (PDF)
Jordan RosenthalPainting BFAA Keystone Species: Investigating the Impact of the Reintroduction of Wolves in YellowstoneYes (PDF)
Gretchen Cassing Excersice PhysiologyEffect of Novel Exercise Program on Hamstring Muscle FunctionYes (PDF)
Fall 2022
RecipientMajorProjectApplication available for viewing
Sandra ScholtenPublic AdministrationCrisis Targeted Pregnancy CentersYes (PDF)
Madison PayneCellular & Molecular BiologyExamining the Negative Effects of Camp Fire Toxins on The Immune SystemYes (PDF)

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  • 2021-2022
    Summer 2022
    RecipientDepartmentProjectApplication available for viewing
    Allison BernardiHFAIdentity in Flux: Exploring Cultural and Culinary Identity through Street Food Traditions in Mexico City and Los AngelesYes (PDF)
    Preston LawsonCHEMNanomaterials for Greener Solar EnergyYes (PDF)
    Alina TichininANTHA Multi-Technique Approach to Seasonal Big Game Reliance and Central Camp Locality in the Great Basin of Northwestern NevadaYes (PDF)
    Molly TuttleBIOLEvaluating the Predictive Power of a COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance Program
    Spring 2022
    Adam ChismBIOLEffects of Temperature on Competition amoungst Juvenile Trout
    Stephanie GaitoSWRKExploring the Experiences of California State University Chico Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic 
    Lauren GoldbergPSYCFacing the Future: Does Viewing Age-Progressed Selfies Improve Self-Control?
    Alex KulpANTHThermal Effects on Fresh Bone: Cultural and Taphonomic
    Paige MunsonBIOLSpatial capture-recapture for population estimates of mammalian predators in the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve with fecal genetic analysis
    Shelby BruceSWRKGender Diverse Youth experience accessing culturally responsive health
    Yulisa UbiasSWRK2022 DREAMers conference
    Fall 2021
    Faith FatchenEconomicsPrice to Pay? The Effectiveness of Community Health Clinics in Resource-Poor Settings$850
    Nicholas BarnettPhysicsNanosponges for Next-Generation Solar Energy Conversion Technologies$850
    Brady BrandtBusinessMaking Cents of the Need for Financial Education Classes in High School Curriculum$850
    Kanvarbir GillPsychologyEffects of Emoji Skin Tone in Peer to Peer Online Learning$1700
    Christina HammansSocial ScienceSocial Factors Impacting Academic Success to Adolescent Parents in Butte, Glenn, Tehama County$1700
    Emilio SiazNutrition & Food ScienceTraditional Food Consumption & Accessibility among the Pit River Tribe of Northern California$1700
    Jordan StiflePhychologyLife Trauma & Temporal Horizon$1680
    Cheyenne CollinsAnthropologyScanvenging Patterns within the Willamette Valley of Oregon$1700
  • 2020-2021
    Summer 2021
    Aleeza NamitBiological Sciences

    Examining the Negative Effects of Camp Fire Toxins on the Immune System

    Avery Roscoe and Elsa TopeteKinesiology

    Maximal Aerobic Power and Running Economy of Young and Older Trained Female Runners

    Elena MaciasBiological Sciences

    Seroprevalence of Antibodies to Avian Influenza Virus in Northern Sho

    Aji Fatou BahNutrition Food Sciences

    Evaluating the Epidemic of Obesity in Urban Gambia: An Exploratory Approach

    Elizabeth HanniganAnthropology

    Using Stable Isotope Analysis to Identify Individuals Buried in a Mass Grave at Phaleron, Greece

    Kelli ThorupBiological Sciences

    Alleviation of thermal stress in Pinus ponderosa by plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from mixed-conifer forests

    Natalie LawlorPsychology

    OnlyFans Use and Associations with Sexual, Relational, and Mental Health Outcomes

    Taylor LambriggerAnthropology

    The Significance of Sociocultural Factors in Isotopic Interpretations for Forensic Identification: A Case Study from Oaxaca, Mexico

    Spring 2021
    Berenice ArguelloBiological Sciences

    Expression of Candidate Idiopathic Scoliosis Genes in Embryonic Stages of Medaka Fish

    Celia Fernanda Todd Chemistry and Biochemistry

    Programmable Nanosponges for Water Decontamination

    Maxwell Claret Environmental Science

    Fire Suppression and its Effects on the Big Chico Creek Watershed

    Wade W. CorleyMicrobiology

    Novel Acidithiobacillus spp. From Sulphur Cave, Romania are Nitrogen fixing Chemolithoautotropsm

    Cody Mathew MockoBiological Sciences

    Identification of Scoliosis Genes using the Medaka Fish Model 

    Kristen RuebBiological Sciences

    ccI44 is essential for normal embryonic hematopoiesis 

    Thomas Delgado Anthropology

    Identification and Repatriation of Remains from the US-Mexico Border: a Stable Isotope and Artificial Intelligence Approach

    $ 1700

  • 2019-2020
    Summer 2020
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAwards
    Rose Merry BlancoCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    An Ethno-Graphic Novel on the Sapphire Trade in Sri Lanka

    Carlos MelchorCollege of Natural Sciences

    Nanosponges for Decontaminating Water with Carcinogens and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals

    Madeline OlwertCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Strength, Resilience, Hope, Beauty: A Mosaic for Butte County

    Kiran RaoCollege of Natural Sciences

    Comparative Study of Candidate Idiopathic Scoliosis Genes during Embryonic Stages of Medaka Fish Development

    Meagan FischerCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    The Curiosity to Listen: Using Community Radio to Promote Nuanced Political Dialogue

    Cody FrazerCollege of Natural Sciences

    Investigating the Role of the Duck Microbiome in Susceptibility to Avian Influenza Virus Infection

    Jamie LopezCollege of Natural Sciences

    Effect of Symbiosis on Nitrogen Fixation in Exaiptasia pallida

    John MachadoCollege of Natural Sciences

    Assessing the Fate of Heavy Metals Following the Camp Fire

    Jessica ShippenCollege of Engineering, Computer Science, and Construction Management; and Undergraduate Education

    Novel Biophysical Treatment of Rice Seeds for Sustainably Enhancing Early Plant Growth

    Matthew MayerCollege of Natural Sciences

    Analysis of Dozer Lines in the Carr Fire Footprint

    Spring 2020
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAwards
    Lucía AbrilPsychology

    Influence of Perceived Authority on Wait Times in a Monetary Delay of Gratification Task

    Kendall BlockChemistry and Bio-Chemistry

    Development of Potent Isoflavone Carbamate Derivatives to Target Alzheimer's Disease Chemistry

    Austin DuBoseChemistry

    Library Synthesis of Nematocides: The Fluorescent Chalcone

    Kallie GriffinBiology

    Creating a Sustainable Future: Cellular Agriculture Cellular and Molecular

    Fall 2019
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAwards
    Kristen RuebBiological Sciences

    CRISPR/Cas9 Technology Indicates that ccl44 is Essential for Normal Embryonic Hematopoiesis

    Mattew LarsonGeology

    Hydrothermal Gas Collection and CO2 Analysis at Lassen Volcanic Center, California, Over a Ten-Year Period

    Avery Beaudette


    A Quantitative Experimental Analysis of Flow State Model Accuracy$837.50
    Gabrielle Wyatt

    Geological Environmental Science

    Phytoremediation at the Butte College bioswale: Seasonal variation in heavy metal bioaccumation $838.72
    Kaitlyn Romo

    Biological Sciences

    Coloization characteristics of key bacterial species related to coral reefs$1700
    Kyle Palazzolo


    When Martars Speak Volumes: Assessing the Influence of Mortar Cavity Size on Processing Effciency

    Maya Trajkovski


    An Investigating on the Effects of a Mindfulness-Imagery Intervention on an NCAA Women's Soccer Team's Performance 

    Jory Harms


    Boys will be...$1700
  • 2018-2019
    Summer 2019
    Recipient MajorProject TitleAward
    Kelli Thorup

    Biological Sciences

    Development of Axenic Anemones: A Fundamental Technique in Cnidarian Symbiosis Research$2500
    Marie Isabel Fox


    International Summer Art Education Project: Art & Science in English in Japan$2500
    Kristen Rueb

    Biological Sciences

    kal1h: Investigating its Role in Blood Development$2500
    Scott Stokes


    Tritium & Oxygen Isotope Concentration of Sulphur Workings and Boiling Strings Lake$2500
    Sara Carmody


    An Enthnographic Investigation of Indigenous Bee Keeping in Cambodia $2500
    Casey Becker


    Hemmoglobin Drug Synthesis and Assessment: Expirement Redesign and Assessment $2500
    Alexia Lopez 


    Paragenesis of the Moonlight (IOCG) Deposit, Plumas County Copper Belt, CA$5000
    Harpreet Batther


    A Hydrocarbon Seep Model of Larde Bedded$5000
    Kathrine Jorgensen

    Biological Sciences

    Descendant Prespectives: Oral Histories of a Konkow Maidu Village Site$2096
    Spring 2019
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward


    Kallie GriffinBiological SciencesBlood Development & Diseases: CRISPR-CAs9, cc144 and zebrafish$850
    Cora PipesBiological SciencesAsexual Reproduction of Exaiptasia pallida Under Varying Light Conditions$850


    Jamison SnydorBiological SciencesThe Bacteria Community Associated with the Model Sea Anemome Expaiptasia pallida$1700
    Ashlyn Ku'uleialoha WeaverAnthropology KaHuaka'i: The Ten Hawaiinas$1700
    Stephanie AguiarBiological Sciences Treating Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Novel Drug Compounds


    Fall 2018
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Eric DeardenEnvironmental ScienceEvaluation of Pollutant Removal and Runoff of a Stormwater Biofiltration System$843
    Alexandra Lewis


    Parental Smoking History and Decision Making$850

    Brandon Nusser


    Synthesis of Linked Chalcones Nematocides


    Alisa Colby


    Investigating the Effects of Diversity Education in White College Students

    Karen FrieseSocial Work

    Cuffed Together: A Study on how Police Work Impacts the Officer's Spouse

    Kirstie SteinerBiologyMutation Mapping to Demystify Sheath Production in Leptothrix cholodnii$1694
    Chia ChoNutrition & Food ScienceDevelopment and Pilot Testing of a Student Success Survey related to Food Insecurity and Other Basic Need Variables$1700
    Hannah WeinbergerGeological and Environmental Sciences

    Plant Recovery Trajectory and Effects of Fire Retardant in the Southwestern Cascades

  • 2017-2018
    Summer 2018
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Dahlia ChavezBiologyPotential Hemoglobin Active-Site Binder$2500
    Karsten McDonell


    An Investigation of Defective Neural Plate Development Genes in Medaku, Oryzias latipes,with the Idiopathic Scoliosis Phenotype$2500

    Christina Quigley


    Anthropology and Music of the Congolese Diaspora in Tanzania


    Andrew King

    Electrical Engineering

    Solar Power Inverter with Variable Frequency and Amplitude for "Upon the Rocks Clinics" in Ozi Abam, Nigeria


    Gavin Monges


    Light Variation in the Marine Environment and its Effect on Sea Anemones and their Agal Symbionts



    Kevin ClickPsychology

    #news: Truth Detection in News Stories

    Payton LaurieBiologyCharacterization of Chemokine (C-C motif) Ligand 44 in Hematopoiesis$5000
    Richard VitamantiGeosciencesEffects of Additives and Saturation Depth on Nutrient Retention in Urban Stormwater Biofilters$2881
    Elizabeth BianchiniBiology

    Assessing the Potential Risk to Human Health Posed by H7N3 Avian Influenza Viruses


    Spring 2018
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Bryn CopsonEnvironmental ScienceFate of Heavy Metals in Urban Stormwater Biofiltration Systems$832
    Ashley Dearden


    Development of Axenic Sea Anemones: A Vital Tool for Coral-bacteria Symbiosis Research$850


    Caitlin BishopAnthropology

    Finding Closure: Locating the Death Records from Tule Lake Segregation Center

    Rebecca BelmonteBiology

    The Role of SON in Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia


    Fall 2017
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Kanako OtaniCommunication StudiesSpread the Anthology of Hiroshima around the U.S$850
    Sung Won Yoon


    Sponges for Decontaminating Water with Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals and Carcinogens$850

    Amy Rhoades

    Social Work

    Barriers: Connecting Rural At-risk Students to a Pro-college Culture


    Jason Mickel

    Physics & Mechanical Engineering

    Guiding High-energy Pulsed-laser Light Through Hollow Fibers



    Noel JonesAnthropology

    Cultural Transmission: Production Centers Cisible in Shell Bead Artifacts

    Tina HansonBiologyAnalysis if Novel Inhibitors of the GRB2 SH2 Domain that Decrease Proliferation in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia$1700
    Ashlyn WeaverAnthropologyThe Forgotten Hawaiians of Chico, CA: Anthropological Research About Intercultural Encounters between Native Hawaiians and California Native Americans$1700
    Cody RiceBiology

    Understanding the Genetic Diversity of Darlington californica Population Clusters

  • 2016-2017
    Summer 2017
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Drew NielsenBiological SciencesEffects of Temperature on Digestion Rates and Gastric Evacuation Time in Striped Bass$2500
    Audrey Armstrong


    Maintaining Community Identity with the Decline of Endogamy of Mashhadi Jews in Israel$2500

    Daniel Theobald


    Long Forgottem Heroes: Historical Research About the Abraham Lincoln Brigades in New York City



    Hannah MetzgerBiological Sciences

    Differential Effects of Bcl-2 Overexpression in Various B-Cell Populations

    Valerie SgheizaAnthropologySkeletal Assemblages$4360
    Allen LaGrangeEnvironmental ScienceHydrological and Ecological Indicators for Wet Meadow Restoration: Papoose Meadows, CA$2092
    Vanessa ReevesAnthropology

    An Applied Project in Zooarchaelogy and Field Ecology

    Kristen BroelAnthropology

    Osteometirc Sorting of Metacarpals and Metatarsals in Comingled Human Skeletal Assemblages

    Payton LaurieBiological SciencesCharacterization of Hemopoietic Genes$5000

    Spring 2017
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Chelsea MeddingsEnvironmental ScienceEfficacy of California Native Drought-tolerant Plants at Heavy Metal Removal from Urban Stormwater in Biofiltration Systems$850
    Hannah MetzgerBiology

    Differential Effects of Bcl-2 Overexpression in Various B Cell Populations


    Fall 2016
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Joshua GladfelderBiochemistrySynthesis of GRB2 SH2 Domain Inhibitors: Analogues of Sclerotionin$850
    Baylee Russell


    Inspiring Future Scientists: Developing a Children's Novel for Publication$730

    Omar Pulido


    Charaterizon of Rapunzel 5 in Blood Formation


    David Linville


    Sacramento Valley Strong


    Renee MargolinBiology

    Investigating Damage to the Tight Junctions of Intestinal Epithelial Cells by Influenza Virus

    Claire McMahonAnthropologyDetermining Seasonality and Dates of Occupation at Payne's Cave$1170
    Silena BartonNutrition and Food ScienceDefining Novel Bookmarkers for Prevention and Early Detectionof Zinc Deficiency$1700
    Tamara MaxeyAnthropology

    The Incorporation of World Trade Center Artifacts in Community Memorials: Their Symbolism and Significance

    Sommer CasadyGeologyExploration of the Golden Dome Au-Ag-Cu Deposit in Antelope Valley Sierra County, California$1700
  • 2015-2016
    Summer 2016
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Shane PricePsychologyOlfactory Modulationof Cortisol in Students$1700
    Catherine Benjamin

    Art Studio

    THE DRONE: Opening Up New Spaces$2429

    Clara Bergamini

    Anthropology & Humanities

    Stuck in Limbo: Coping with Displacement Among Fukushima's Refugees

    Mathew Ryan BondAnthropology

    The Rwandan Genocide: Collective Historical Memory and the Skeletal

    Analysis of Trauma and Violence

    Gina C. TigriCommunication Studies

    Bystander Intervention as a Community Health Initiative:

    Communicating Culture Change for a Safer CSU

    Hannah MetzgerBiologyGeneration of a Model for Lukemia$4865
    Candice SawyerBiology

    Brood Paratism in Mallards: Are You My Mother?

    Edward SlatteryMS Nutritional Sceine

    Cytokine expression in macrophages and tripple negative breast cancer cells

    following sulforaphane exposure in 3-D coculture

    Tonantzin EsquivelArt

    Breaking Comfort to See Clearly

    Jacques Zenope PeltierAnthropology

    The Stratigraphy of Crime: Archacological Law


    Fall 2015
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Julian AggioBiologyThe Effect of B-Estradiol on Blood Development$850
    Lindsay HannanSocial Work

    Hospice Care Among the Hispanic Community: Social and Cultural

    Factors Impacting Underutilization

    Mai Kue HerHealth EducationFrom the Hmong Perspective: Making Healthcare Better$850
    Ellen SampsonBiologyUtilization of Dimeric Binders to Treat Leukemia$850
    Afshan AhmadNutritionValidation of a Visual Analog Scale for Food Addiction$1,700
    Anna BartelPsychological Science

    Influence of Appearance-Based Trait Inferences on Voting

    Behavior and Cued Recall

    Emma ClancySocial Work

    Feasibility Study on a Low-Barries Shelter in Chico

  • 2014-2015
    Summer 2015
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Julian Aggio

    Cellular & Molecular Biology/


    Characterization of a Blood-Supportive Stromal Cell Line$2,250

    Valery Bessmertnyy/

    Keith Taylor


    Depression Among New Graduate Nurses Working on Medical-Surgical

    and Intensive Care Units

    Malory Brown

    Strategies to Assimilate CO2 Beyond the Light by

    Metal-Oxidizing Bacteria

    Danielle CaseyGeography and Environmental StudiesReimaging the Detroit Landscape$2,250
    Stephanie ElliotCellular & Molecular Biology

    Assessing the Relatedness of Snow Leopards Using Haplotype Analysis

    Elizabeth JachensCivil Engineering

    Integrated Wastewater Management Within the Lake Titicaca Basin

    Rachel MooreStudio Art/Art Education

    Womb and the Wild Self

    Adrienne SpringsteenAnthropology

    The Daily Lives of African Slaves at Betty's Hope Plantation

    Veronica Van CleaveNutrition & Dietetics

    The ASD Food Activity Lab

    Althea AsaroAnthropologyCreation of a 3D Database of the Great Blades Archeological Cache$1,180
    Holland LarsenMFABuild This Environment$1,628
    Ann MedicEnvironmental ScienceSolid Waste Management and Wastewater Treatment in Peru$4,755
    Katherine MooreAgriculture Education

    Survey of Current Brewer's Grain Storage Methods and Nutrient

    Levels of Northern California Beef and Dairy Producers

    Jesse SmithBiology

    Growth Receptor Bound Protein-2 Dysregulation Induces Acute

    Myeloid Leukemia

    Rodney ThomsonHistory

    Unrest in Rural America: Activists and Activism at Chico State


    Spring 2015
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Tucker HartlandApplied MathematicsTsunami Wave Propogation Over Underwater Obstacles$850
    Ravi ShankarMathematicsDerivation of New Conservation Laws for the Euler Equations$850
    Gin LawsonBiologyAre Invasive Turtles Eating Native Fish in Hawaii?$1,700
    Courtney SilverBiology

    Vocalization Behaviors of Rana Boylii, the Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog:

    a Comparison of Isolated Populations


    Fall 2014
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Philomena BlockMusical Theater & Psychology

    What is Bae: An Exploration of Sexuality and Intimacy in

    Today's Collegiate World

    Juan DiazMechanical EngineeringHeat Transfer Rate Optimization for Multi-Stage Compression System$500
    Sarah EggertCellular & Molecular BiologymiR-191 and miR-425 as Regulators of B-Cell Stress Response$500
    Jemmae ReddishNutritionMedical and Nutritional Survey of the Underserved in a Rural Area$500
    Ravi ShankarMathematicsDerivation of New Conservation Laws for the Euler Equations$500
  • 2013-2014
    Summer 2014
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Gage AlvernazCell and Molecular BiologyRole of Autophagy during Influenza Virus Infection of Macrophages$2000
    Clara BergaminiAnthropologyArtistic Expression, Amami Children and Their Non-Human Neighbors$2000
    Kelly GundertSpanishFinding a Voice in Chapala, Mexico$2000
    Gregory HindsCivil EngineeringIntegrated Wastewater Management in the Lake Atitlan Basin: An Ecological Engineering Challenge$666.67
    Elizabeth JachensCivil EngineeringIntegrated Wastewater Management in the Lake Atitlan Basin: An Ecological Engineering Challenge$666.66
    Eoin MackallMathematicsDetermining the Minor-minimal not Completely Apex Graphs$2000
    Kyle Rocha-BrownellPhysics and Computer ScienceComputer Simulation of the Earth's Rotation with Interior Fluid Degrees of Freedom$2000
    Juniper RoseJournalismThe Effect of Marijuana on Rural Northern California Economies$2000
    Ravi ShankarChemistryMathematical Modeling of Tsunami Propagation over Complex Topographies$2000
    Nicole SmithBiochemistryAntibiotic Discovery From Boiling Springs Lake$2000
    Quintin TroesterAgricultureResearching Soil Carbon Sequestration, and International Partners in Sustainability$2000
    Kelly VannoyCivil EngineeringIntegrated Wastewater Management in the Lake Atitlan Basin: An Ecological Engineering Challenge$666.67

    Spring 2014
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Hugh HammondMusic Composition & Recording ArtsMusical Torus Sculptures$500
    Aithne LoeblichBiological SciencesAn Education-based Approach to the Monitoring and Conservation of Bats in Northern California$500
    Shane PricePsychologyThe Hormonal Effect of Emotionally-Relevant Chemosignals$500
    Ravi ShankarChemistryMathematical Modeling of Tsunami Propagation over Complex Topographies$500

    Fall 2013
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Amie FrenchAgricultural BusinessConsumer Preference for Locally Grown Pecans$500
    Megan MillerCriminal JusticeRehabilitation and Reintegration Through Alternative Custody Supervision$500
    Megan BacchiniCriminal JusticeRehabilitation and Reintegration Through Alternative Custody Supervision$500
    Shane PricePsychologyThe Hormonal Effects of Emotionally-relevant Chemosignals in Human Axillary Secretions$500
    Amber RutterGeologyAnalyzing CO2 Changes in Ancient Fossils$500
  • 2012-2013
    Summer 2013
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Joanna BloeseAgricultureInvesting Novel Collaborative Glass Blow in Techniques$2000
    Madison GarshasebiPsychologyThe Spontaneous Suppression and Amplification of Emotional Facial Expressions in Different Attachment Styles$2000
    Nathan GiordanoCellular & Molecular BiologyInfecting Neurons Using Attenuated Lentiviruses$2000
    Kris MagriMechatronic EngineeringDevelopment of a Highly Articulated Humanoid Bipedal Robot: A Platform for Robotics Competition and Research$2000
    Gregory PaneroArtSan Pedro, Guatemala: Help Paint My Future$2000
    Dillon RappArtAttending Frogman's Print Workshop$2000
    Mallory RussellArtHaystack Mountain School of Crafts With Sonja Clark$2000

    Jonathan Alexander

    Fine ArtIn Search of Cycles in Chiang Mai$2000
    Crystal VasquezNutrition & Food ScienceTeaching Health at Every Size® in a Fat Phobic World$2000
    Abigail WhittakerEnvironmental ScienceAccounting for Agricultural Yield Gaps Through Analysis of Ecosystem Service Provision in a Human-Altered Landscape$2000

    Spring 2013
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Samantha BaileyPsychologyThe Relationship between Self-esteem and Sexuality$55
    Jamie BlankenshipArt StudioPast and Present: Digital Techniques and Historic Photographic Processes$500
    Tyron ChangBiological SciencesThe Timing of Oak Gall Development and Its Significance to the Ecology of the California Gall Wasp$465
    Cameron Estes-CliffordPsychologyTesting the Hypothesis that Lactobacillus G.G. will Increase Vagal Tone in Humans$500
    Andrew ReutherAnthropologyModoc War Documentary$240
    Matthew RitenourAnthropologyModoc War Documentary$240
    Kelsea RossowAnthropologyModoc War Documentary$500

    Fall 2012
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Tony AmatoCriminal Justice/SociologyImages and Perceptions of Restorative Justice$500
    Alan BraithwaiteComputer EngineeringFPGA OpenFlow Switch$500
    Scott KirkpatrickComputer ScienceImproving Models of Protein Interaction Network Evolution$500
    Tony SilvaSociologyConstructing Sexual Identities in a Shifting Context$500
    Crystal VasquezNutrition & Food ScienceEffects of Parental Food Attitudes and Restrictions During Childhood on Young Adult College Students' Eating Behaviors$500
  • 2011-2012
    Summer 2012
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Hannah BeardenArtHaystack Mountain School of Craft Summer Workshop with Mark Hartung$2000
    John ChallingerComputer ScienceExtending the ArduPilot Mega Firmware to Improve Precision Flight for Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's)$2000
    Michael FitzpatrickPhilosophyRescuing the Scientific Worldview: Whitehead and the Place of Science in Human Life$2000
    Elizabeth JachensCivil EngineeringProfessional Presentation of Fine Scale Atmospheric Gravity Waves at the 26th International Laser Rader Conference in Porto Heli, Greece in June 2012$2000

    Michelle Johnson

    PsychologyStudent Athletes Depression Scares in Relation to Self-Esteem, Perfectionism and Attachment in Global and Sport-Specific Contexts: Varsity vs. Club Athletes$2000
    Andrew Rena-DozierPsychologyCentral Nervous System Characterization in p75 Knockout Mice$2000
    Sharla StocktonGeologyGeology of Richardson Springs$2000
    Dee ThaoCommunication DesignA Fading Culture: the Hmong People$2000
    Swan TomaPolitical ScienceObama-Bush: A Competing Understanding of American Exceptionalism$2000
    Eliseo Vega-DarsonMusicThe Analysis and Application of Composing and Arranging for Orchestras$2000

    Spring 2012
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Tyler AshJournalismChico Rephotography$456.15
    Michael FitzpatrickPhilosophy and EnglishThe Critique of Pure Realism$500
    Elizabeth JachensCivil EngineeringFind-Scale Atmospheric Gravity Waves$500
    Heidi RogersEnvironmental ScienceMoths in a Changing Climate$500

    Shannon Primer and Amber Smith

    NursingBreastfeeding Support Groups and Resources for Women in our Community$468

    Fall 2011
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Serena CervantesJournalismCollected Memories$500
    Sheri GitelsonEnglishTranslucent Consciousness in Virginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse"$500

    Natasha Holland and
    Alexa Janicki

    Exercise PhysiologyEffects of Load Carriage on Gait Kinematics, Muscle Activity, and Postural Sway$500
    Kristen MagriMechatronic EngineeringDevelopment of an Autonomous Humanoid Bipedal Robot to Perform Challenging Tasks in Complex Environments$500
    Austin WalterElectrical EngineeringDevelopment of Three-Dimensional Printer$238
    Nathan ZifkoPsychologyThe Role of Testosterone in Behavioral Activation$406
  • 2010-2011
    Summer 2011
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    David ArmstrongEconomicsEmpirical Analysis of Water Markets in the Western United States$2000
    Jamison BarsottiMathematicsMinor Minimal Intrinsically Knotted Graphs with 21 Edges$2000
    Meaghan GatesArtAssistantship at Guldagergaard$2000
    Nathan GiordanoBiological Sciences and ArtDeveloping a Microwave Protocol for the Transfection of Neurons$2000
    Michael KirmizBiological SciencesGene Regulation in Pancreatic Cells$2000
    Mackenzie MorrisPsychologyMoving From Peer Mentoring Model to a Civic Mentoring Model$2000
    Julie NajarPsychologyDetailed Photomicroscopy and Quantification of Axon Ultrastructure in Elderly Mice$2000
    Noah StrongBiological SciencesMonitoring Western Pond Turtle Movements for Possible Correlation of Feeding Habit and Fecundity on the University Reserve$2000
    Eliseo Vega-DarsonMusicThe Practical Application of Augmented Theory in Jazz Compositions$2000
    Nicholas VierraBiological SciencesCreating Fluorescent Reporter for miR-375$2000

    Spring 2011
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Samuel FriesApplied Computer GraphicsMeasure Twice, Cut Once: Iterative Design and Development for Multiple Platforms$500
    Andrew MunsonAnthropology and Communication DesignRecycling for a Living: Documenting Chico's Professional Can Collectors$500
    Julie NajarPsychologyPotential Role of p75 in Axonal Sprouting in Elderly Mice$500
    Lingfei NiEconomics and Communication DesignThe Non-Walvastan Equilibrium Model for the People's Republic of China$450
    Grant StokerPsychologyA survey of Alcohol and Drug Use Patterns in Undergraduate Students at California State University, Chico$468

    Fall 2010
    Kelly BoyleGeological & Environmental Sciences$380
    Tiffany FisherAnthropology$500
    Shannon HoltEnvironmental Science$420
    Sam MishMechatronic Engineering$256
    Emily RamseyNutrition & Food Science$238
    Abigail RocheNutrition & Food Science$406
    Rachel WutkeNursing$300
  • 2009-2010
    Summer 2010
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Avery BeckAnthropologyMechoopda Trail of Tears: Nome Cult Documentary Project$2000
    Joanna BloeseAgricultureEvaluating a Sustainable Tactic for Navel Orangeworm Management in California Almonds$2000
    Alena Chin-CurtisBiological SciencesPotassium Chloride Induced Excitotoxicity in Mice: Cyclosporine, A is Neuroprotective$2000
    Emily GrelleEnglishRasputin: A History in Translation$2000
    Sydney KerkhoveAnthropologyMechoopda Trail of Tears: Nome Cult Documentary Project$2000
    Kimberly OrnellasAnthropologyNome Cult Walk: Mechoopda Trail of Tears Documentary Project$2000
    Jillian RuddellMulticultural & Gender StudiesGender and Sexuality Equity Center$2000
    Danielle SchneiderPsychologyModeling Chronic Human Alcohol Use During Pregnancy and Nursing: The Effect on Brain Development in Mice$2000
    Kaci SmithPsychologyDon't Be Deceived! The Relationship Among Men's Salivary Testosterone, Deception, and... Femininity?$2000
    Katherine SumarowskInternational RelationsEvaluation of the Effectiveness of an Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative. Sponsored by the United States Department of State in the Country of Latvia in 2001$2000
    Spring 2010
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Anastasia AguilarPsychologyWhite Man's Burden? Motivation to Suppress Prejudice is Correlated to Greater Skin
    Adelaide KreamerPsychologyThe Empirical Reality of Learning Styles$210.73
    Scott LancasterHistoryThe Lost Sons of Democracy: Examining the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and the 
    Spanish Civil Wars as Forums for the Recovery of Historical Memory
    Susan SchultzNursingInformation Literacy for Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Survey$295
    Kaci SmithPsychologyDon't Be Deceived! The Relationship Among Men's Salivary Testosterone, 
    Self-Deception, and...Femininity?
    Nur Diyana Zainal ArifinNutrition & Food ScienceThe Use of Photovoice in Assessing Perceived "Tasty" and "Healthy" Foods$429.30
    Fall 2009
    RecipientMajorProject TitleAward
    Joel BreckPsychology$200
    Alena Chin-CurtisPsychology$500
    Nathan GiordanoBiological Sciences & Art$300
    Daniel MolaschiArt$500
    Lola RylandArt$261
    Danielle SchneiderPsychology$489
    Nathaniel WilliamsPsychology$250