If you would like to listen/watch a TED Talk/Podcast for credit, please reach out to your advisor no later than 5PM on Thursday the week of to request approval. To be eligible, you must be passing all your classes and have no missing assignments. Upon confirmation, you will receive an email from us containing a survey that you will need to complete after you've listened/watched your TedTalk/Podcast, and the password needed to complete the survey. Please note that some options will require you to listen/watch two videos, please make sure you listen/watch both videos for credit. This option can only be selected once per month!
Ted Talks/Podcasts
** Please Read First **
- The Inside Story of Chat GPT'S Astonishing Potential(opens in new window)
- The Tipping Points of Climate Change and Where We Stand(opens in new window)
- Why Wildfires Have Gotten Worse and What We Can Do About It(opens in new window)
- How mRNA Medicine Will Change the World(opens in new window)
Personal Growth
- How to Make Stress Your Friend(opens in new window) ANDStress Management Strategies: Ways to Unwind(opens in new window)
- Listening to Shame(opens in new window)
- Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are(opens in new window)
- Alex Smith: An NFL Quarterback on Overcoming Setbacks and Self Doubt *NEW(opens in new window)
- Distored Self Image: Let Go of Negative Self Talk and Create a Positive Relationship With Your Body *NEW(opens in new window)
- The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage(opens in new window) ANDMindful Breathing Exercise Heartbeat: A Mindfulness Exercise to Calm Your Emotions(opens in new window)
- What’s Normal Anxiety and What’s an Anxiety Disorder(opens in new window) ANDThe 5-4-3-2-1 Method(opens in new window)
- How Mindful Meditation Redefines Pain, Happiness & Satisfaction(opens in new window)AND Mindful Mediation Exercise Video: Daily Calm 10 Minutes Mindful Medication Being Present(opens in new window)
- The Difference Between Health and Unhealthy Love(opens in new window)AND 6 Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy Love(opens in new window)
- The Danger of a Single Story(opens in new window)
Current Events
- The Daily(opens in new window) – student can pick any episode that was released within the last 7 days.
- What Next I Daily News and Analysis(opens in new window) – student can pick any episode that was released within the last 7 days.
College - Seniors Only!