Web Design Resources

Global Footer

Every page within the Campus Web is required to use the global footer. The purpose of the footer is to further identify official CSU, Chico web pages as well as provide required links and easy access to help and contact information on each page. Changes and updates to the footer will be communicated through the IRES technotice.

Required Elements

  • “Report an accessibility issue” link
    • Goes to Campus Web Accessibility Statement and link to the issue-reporting form
    • Required by CSU Accessible Technology Initiative, supported by Executive Order 1111 (PDF)
  • “Title IX” link
Global footer assets
Asset TypeURL
Cascading Style Sheethttps://www.csuchico.edu/_common/3.0/styles/csweb.min.css
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        <li><a href="https://www.csuchico.edu/title-ix/index.shtml">Title IX</a></li>
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      <p class="address medium-text-center"><span class="address__name">California State University, Chico</span><span class="address__street">400 West First Street</span><span>Chico, CA 95929</span></p>
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