Financial Wellbeing: Our ability to act on mindful financial decisions that support and enhance our personal and professional life including financial stability, fulfilling short-term and long-term goals, and/or other financial needs.
How can I foster my financial wellbeing? For students:
- Create a budget. Online platforms(opens in new window) can help!
- Find out what establishments offer Campus discounts
- Research Emergency Funds
- Apply for scholarships
Resources for students:
- Summer Financial Aid
- Emergency Loans and Grants
- Short-Term Emergency Housing
- How to Budget Article(opens in new window)
How can I foster my financial wellbeing? For faculty and staff:
- Begin by making a list of things you would like to invest in both short term and long term.
- Determine what your wants versus your needs are and commit to small financial changes that will help you meet your needs and manage your wants.
- Choose a percentage of your paycheck to put away into a savings account and place guidelines on when you can or should use money from your savings.
- During times of COVID-19, establish personal guidelines on online purchases to decide if what you are purchasing will be an investment in your financial health to determine if it is a want or a need.
- If it is a “want” not a “need”, will it cause financial strain on your budget? It is okay to invest in things that are not needs, if you have the ability to not be harmed by that financial decision.
Resources for faculty and staff:
- The Future of Financial Wellness (PDF)
- EAP Financial Services (for state employees)
- Voluntary Retirement Savings Accounts (for state employees)
- College Savings Plan (for state employees)
- Meet with a financial planner for free (for state employees)