Campus Calendar

Celebrating the Retirement of Mary Wallmark

Friday, Nov. 17, 2023, 3–5 p.m.
BMU 203

The Woman. The Myth. The Legend. After more than 30 years in higher education, Mary Wallmark is hanging up her staff jersey and donning one for retirees. Since November 2022, she's served as assistant vice president for special projects in the Division of Business and Finance but the bulk of her Chico State legacy lies in nearly two decades with Student Affairs, where she served as senior director of Student Life and Leadership, coordinator for student organizations and leadership education, and co-director of the Wildcat Leadership Institute. She was a behind-the-scenes ideator and facilitator for projects big and small, including the beloved Wildcat Statue. Her leadership development, free speech advocacy, and special events programming have changed thousands of students' lives and championed the University and its community. Whether orchestrating finals week parades through campus or inventing Wildcat Spirit Day, her expertise in engaging audiences, creative ideation, and campus spirit cannot be understated.


Join us to send off this exceptional emcee and contagious cheerleader with all the Wildcat warmth she deserves before she rides off into the sunset on her Wildcat cruiser. All are invited to attend her retirement celebration from 3-5 p.m., Friday, November 17, in BMU 203. Wear your Wildcat gear and make Mary proud.

Division of Business and Finance