College Of Humanities and Fine Arts

Sharon DeMeyer

Administrative Support Coordinator

I was born in Chico and raised in Durham, where they have the best taco wagon. Seriously. The best. I like writing 59 word stories for the Chico News & Review's Fiction 59 contest. Sometimes I win, but not usually. Over the past ten years I have been practically every officer of the PTA. I recommend secretary. I occasionally play music at local restaurants and art galleries with my husband, and sometimes act in plays when someone drops out and the director is really desperate. My favorite hobby is taking pictures, especially of dance and theatre performances, but not weddings. Much too stressful. I have worked at Chico State for 15 years, which has mostly been really great, especially the last 12 working in the English department where I feel loved and appreciated and am showered with dark chocolate.

Portrait of Sharon DeMeyer