College Of Humanities and Fine Arts

Christine Goulding, PhD

Department Chair, German

Dr. Goulding joined the German faculty in 1998. She has two broad areas of specialization: 18th- and 19th-century German literature and German pedagogy. She has published articles on eighteenth-century aesthetics and translations in the tradition of feminist philosophy and has co-authored two textbooks: Alles klar (2004) for beginning German learners and Mittendrin (2012) for intermediate learners. She has presented at national and international conferences and has published numerous book reviews and materials for teaching German, many of which promote the effective use of technology in teaching and learning languages.

Dr. Goulding teaches a wide variety of courses in the German program, from lower division language to German culture and literature, to linguistics and current events. She is the faculty advisor of the German Club and of the Chico chapter of the National German Honor Society Delta Phi Alpha. In addition to serving as the major and minor advisor for German, she is also the European Studies minor advisor.

Portrait of Christine Goulding, PhD