Online Curriculum Support

Video Search Tools

(1) Google's advanced Video(opens in new window) Search enter .edu or .gov in the domain box to limit your results for those areas

(2) On Yahoo's advanced search page(opens in new window) you can limit results to .edu and .gov and select the format you want.

(3) YouTube has an Education(opens in new window) tab

(4) Creative Commons offers a YouTube search feature in new window)

(5) Bing Video(opens in new window) Type your topic AND domain:edu; also consider domain:gov. (Be sure to include AND in capital letters.)

(6) TV specific videos are available on Blinkx.(opens in new window) Blinx has partnered with many content holders, including PBS and Teacher'sTV.

(7) Here are 25 education video sources listed on RefSeek(opens in new window)

(8) also has a video(opens in new window) search feature

(9) PBS Newshour has a video page(opens in new window)

(10) Wilkipedia page on video search engines: in new window)

You are responsible for obeying copyright laws and any conditions stated on the sites that you access.