Office of the President

November 8, 2023 – Upholding Our Community Values

Dear students,

As the Israel-Hamas war continues, it's imperative we remember that though we may be thousands of miles away, global events affect us all. We have individuals on this campus and in our community who have friends or family members directly impacted by the violence overseas, or who are experiencing grief, pain, and fear due to their culture and identity. Even those who are not directly affected are impacted due to their empathy for the pain and sorrow of others.

As responses to this war take place within our community, by way of free speech and activism, I urge all of us to be understanding of one another's experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Please remember any forms of discrimination are unacceptable and harassment or threats (PDF) to Jewish, Israeli, Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian members of the campus community will not be tolerated. It is our responsibility as an institution of higher education to foster and embrace differences of opinion, to call for social justice, and implore for a kinder, more tolerant world. As members of a university, we all serve as role models in upholding free speech and academic freedom. Please be mindful of the appropriateness of when and how we engage on this topic and how our comments and actions may be felt and perceived by others even without intent to harm.

As I've said before, sense of safety on this campus and for our community is paramount to support our mission and ensure an accessible learning and working environment. If you witness or experience behavior that is a violation of our anti-discrimination policy or Code of Conduct, please report it immediately.

Additionally, if you or anyone you care about on this campus need support, organizations and offices on campus and off campus are available, including the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, the Islamic Center of Chico, and the Chico Hillel Center. Students can also access services at the WellCat Counseling Center via its 24/7 crisis hotline, 1-855-530-6802. 

Please be patient and kind with one another, always, but especially in these times. Together, we can uphold our campus and community values, support one another, and work to build a more peaceful tomorrow.

Thank you,
Steve Perez