Student Learning Center

Helena Clanin

SI Leader
POLS 155

Pronoun: She/her
Major: History
Year in School: 2nd Year

Hi! I am Helena and I am one of the SI Leaders for the EOP program, which supported POLS 155 in the fall and is now doing study-skills workshops. I am a second-year history major in the social science pre-credential track and I hope to become a teacher after graduation. I am from Valencia, CA, which is in northern Los Angeles County. I love music and singing, and I have been in choirs for the last six years, including being in the choir here at Chico State. I became an SI leader because I wanted to help people in a subject that I am really interested in, and I have met some amazing students along the way and have gained lots of experience that will hopefully help me when I become a teacher. I am looking forward to continuing to support more students this semester!

Portrait of Helena Clanin