
Developing Program Mission & Goals

Mission Statement Defined

A mission statement is a holistic vision of the values and philosophy of the program. The program mission needs to be consistent with campus and/or college mission. The overall question that the mission statement should answer is, What is the overall, unique purpose of this program?

Example from Business Information Systems

We offer an innovative, technologically focused business program providing students with a foundation for life-long learning that leads to professional success. Our program is built on applied learning aligned with leading industry standards. We affirm the importance of ethical conduct, stakeholder participation, scholarship, and public service.

Developing Goal Statements

Program learning goals are statements that fundamentally answer the question: What do we expect graduates from this program to be able to do, know, or value? In other words, what are the exit skills, knowledge, and values that we want from this program’s graduates. Program goals are general statements about knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values expected in graduates.


Knowledge: Students know basic biological principles and concepts.

Skill: Students can use appropriate technology tools.

Value: Students respect the professional code of ethics for business practice

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