Todd Greene
Associate Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Research Interests
Dr. Greene’s broad areas of research interests include tectonics and sedimentation, sequence stratigraphy and depositional systems. I focus mainly on basin scale questions using a variety of technologies to address paleogeographic and tectonic histories of basins. I mainly work with core, outcrop, shallow 3-D seismic data, and modern analogs to piece together depositional facies models for volcanic-derived deposits (eg. the Tuscan Formation, the main aquifer for the town of Chico), shallow marine clastic sequences, as well as deep-water sediment gravity flows and related bioturbation (eg. Eel River basin and the Great Valley Group of northern California).
Research Projects
PI’s: Todd Greene
Title: Proposal to analyze Tuscan aquifer well cuttings and well-logs from test wells installed near Hamilton City, CA
Funding Agency: CSU-Chico Research Foundation; through a settlement with the Department of Water Resources, $50,000 was awarded to the CSU-Research Foundation for groundwater-related research
Dates: 2011-Present
Award Amount: $30,959
Research Publications
Greene, T.J., Gingras, M.K., Gordon, G., and McKeel, D.R., 2012, The significance of deepwater cryptic bioturbation in slope-channel massive sand deposits of the lower Rio Dell Formation, Eel River basin, California: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 29, p. 152- 174.
Monet, J., and Greene, T.J., 2012, Using Google Earth and satellite imagery to foster place-based teaching in an introductory physical geology course: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 60, p. 10-20.
Greene, T. J., B. E. O’Neill, R. E. Drumheller, T. Butaud, and A. Rodriguez, 2008, Challenges when predicting reservoir quality in the subsalt K2/K2-North Field, Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) Transactions, v. 58, p. 327-337.
Greene, T.J., Carroll, A.R., Wartes, M., Graham, S.A., and Wooden, J.L., 2005, Integrated provenance analysis of a complex orogenic terrane: Mesozoic uplift of the Bogda Shan and inception of the Turpan-Hami basin, NW China: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 75, p. 251-267.
Research Areas
Water, Other
Physical Science 111