Steffen Mehl
Professor of Civil Engineering
Research Interests
Flow and transport modeling in hydrologic systems. Simulation of surface water/groundwater interactions. Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis in hydrologic systems.
Research Projects
PI’s: Drs. Steffen Mehl and Eric Houk
Title: Water Conservation Alternatives in the Sacramento Valley
Funding Agency: ARI
Dates: 1/19/12 - 1/18/14
Award Amount: $65,110.00
Research Publications
Foglia, L., and S.W., Mehl, On regression methods and multimodel analysis, accepted, Water Resources Research.
Foglia, L., S. W. Mehl, M. C. Hill, and P. Burlando (2013), Evaluating model structure adequacy: The case of the Maggia Valley groundwater system, southern Switzerland, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1029/2011WR011779
Mehl, S. and Davids, J., 2011, Analysis of stream restoration efforts in depleted aquifer systems, MODFLOW and More 2011 conference proceeding.
Research Areas
Engineering, Water
Langdon 207A
Professional Website