Letter to Alumni from the Chico State Alumni Association Board of Directors
Dear Chico State alums,
The Chico State Alumni Association Board of Directors recognizes that, as alumni, we play a role in advancing the University’s strategic priority “to create and sustain a welcoming and inclusive learning and working environmental for all” and to promote the University’s core mission to “assist students in their search for knowledge and understanding and to prepare them with the attitudes, skills, and habits of lifelong learning in order to assume responsibility in a democratic community and to be useful members of a global society.”
In recent weeks, our students, faculty, and staff of color have experienced hateful comments, overt racism, and fear regarding their safety and well-being. The Chico State Alumni Association Board of Directors stands behind President Hutchinson who recently stated “ours is a close-knit community committed to the health and wellbeing of everyone. We are equally firm in our commitment to supporting a diverse and inclusive community where people are treated fairly and equitably regardless of individual differences. We stand by the values of reason, respect, and civility in fulfilling our mission of serving and educating students.”
To this end, the Alumni Association will have an open discussion regarding the role the Association can play in creating a healthy, safe and inclusive environment for our students, faculty and staff, not just on campus, but in the Chico community at our board meeting on January 28, 2016. Please contact the alumni office for additional information at 530-898-6472 or alumni@csuchico.edu
Aaron Skaggs President, Chico State Alumni Association Board of Directors