Acappella Choir
Students should attend the first meeting of Acappella Choir (MUSC 411A) at 1:00pm on Monday, January 24th. The syllabus and schedule will be reviewed and you will be able to schedule an audition time to take place during the first week of classes. Contact Dr. David Scholz if you have any questions.
Chamber Singers
All members of Chamber Singers must also be enrolled in Acappella Choir. Your audition for Acappella Choir will also serve as audition for Chamber Singers. Contact Dr. David Scholz if you have any questions.
Auditions consist of the following: (Please note that no prepared solo is required)
- Vocalization - to determine range, vocal timbre, consistency of vibrato, intonation, etc.
- Tonal memory exercises - to determine ability to identify and reproduce notes in a chord, ability to accurately repeat a pattern of notes played on the keyboard.
- Sightreading - singers will be asked to sing (as accurately as possible) a series of six sightreading examples independent of harmonic accompaniment.