The Music, Theatre, and Dance library provides various services to students of the department, from instrument checkout to the organization of practice rooms. These services are available to Music and Theatre students only.
Library and Practice Rooms
Holds for Checkout
- Keyboard, instrumental, and vocal printed music
- Recorded music from the historical periods
- Department-owned band and orchestra instruments
Instrument Checkout
The department librarian will help you checkout an instrument and sign up for a locker for your instrument if needed. To checkout an instrument, complete the Instrument Checkout form (PDF) and either email it to the Music Librarian (with the subject line "Instrument Checkout") or drop it off at PAC 130.
Student Practice Recitals
Students enrolled in a studio instruction course are required to attend all Student Practice recitals which occurs a few times each semester, on a Friday at 11am to 12pm. Performing a practice recital is optional.
If you wish to perform a practice recital, complete the Student Practice Recital form (PDF) and either email it to the Music Librarian (with the subject line "Student Practice Recital") or drop it off at PAC 130.
Practice Rooms
Gaining Access
- You must be a Music Major and currently enrolled in music classes to receive key box access.
- You must have paid the $30 insurance fee. (This fee is paid through your Portal account.)
- Fill out the Practice Room Request form (PDF) and either email it to the Music Librarian (with the subject line "Practice Room Request") or drop off at PAC 130. Note the library hours are limited to 9am to 1pm.
You use your Wildcat ID to access the key box. It can take up to a week, especially in the beginning of the semester, for your card to be programmed.
The key box is monitored so please make sure that you follow the rules and are considerate to other users. Students who do not will lose their access and may be subject to other disciplinary actions.
Key Box Rules
- Students will be issued access only to rooms they are authorized to use
- grand piano practice rooms can only be granted by the piano faculty
- percussion rooms can only be granted by the percussion faculty
- Students may not check out more than one key at a time from the key box.
- Students are not allowed to check out a key for the day, week, month, semester, or year.
- Users who hold onto their key for an extended period will lose their access and may be subject to other disciplinary actions.
- Users who do not properly return key will lose their access and may be subject to other disciplinary actions.
- Users who do not properly lock practice rooms after use will lose their access and may be subject to other disciplinary actions.
If your key is lost or stolen, you must report it immediately. Replacement fee is $100, regardless.
How to Use the Key Box
- Slide your Wildcat ID.
- Open the box and select a key from the lighted hooks and close the box.
- After you have used the practice room, you must lock it before returning the key.
- Repeat step #1 and return the key to the hook you took it from and lock it into the box by turning it and close the door.
Keys that are not locked into the box upon return will show as still being utilized. If another user selects the same key and it is lost, you are responsible for it, as it was not properly returned when you first checked it out.