Student Learning Center

PHYS 202A, 202B, 204A, 204B

You Have Options

Subject Tutoring Appointment

Schedule a tutoring appointment for physics by visiting our center, located on the third floor of the Student Services Center, Room 340. Our friendly clerical staff will be there to assist you in scheduling your appointment. Alternatively, you can call 530-898-6839 or fill out our Google document, and our clerical staff will schedule an appointment for you.

Request a Tutoring Appointment

SI Sessions

We also offer Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions for physics. These sessions provide additional support and are designed to help you excel in your coursework. The best part is, you can attend these sessions without signing up in advance. Simply check out the schedule linked below to find the available sessions.

SI Session Schedule (Google Doc)

Writing Center

Schedule a free, one-on-one appointment with a writing tutor. Alternatively, students can come in for a 30-minute drop-in session, or, submit and receive feedback on their writing online.

Learn more about the writing center.

Interested In Becoming A Tutor? Work with us!