Graduate Studies

Statewide CSU Student Research Competition 2020 Goes Virtual

Ten delegates, chosen from 50 presentations at the CSU, Chico Student Research Competition in March represent Chico State at the 34th Annual CSU Student Research Competition held virtually through California State University, East Bay on April 24, 2020

These delegates compete against winners from across all 23 CSU campuses - a daunting prospect in any year, but when the statewide competition was hastily moved to a virtual format, our delegates rose to even bigger challenges. 

In normal years, during the weeks after the local competition, a harried delegate may work to add emerging results, refine analyses, or hone their presentation style. This work sometimes continued right up to the day of the statewide competition. But this year's move to a virtual statewide competition required students to adjust on a dime, quickly learn and implement new skills, and cultivate a comfort level with the completely unexpected. This year, at the same time they were dealing with disruptions to life as usual and adapting and re-gearing for a transition to virtual classes for the rest of the semester, these delegates were game to add to the mix gathering the necessary tools and figuring out on their own how to record themselves while showing their PowerPoint slides, editing the recording to fit the required format, and getting it uploaded a full two weeks ahead of the competition.

In Mid-March, each delegate had submitted for judges' review a written summary of their research. On April 10, they submitted to statewide coordinators the newly-required videos (see available links in table below), and those videos have now been viewed by statewide competition judges. Delegates will participate in live Question & Answer sessions with judges via Zoom on Friday, April 24, 2020.

Graduate Dean, Sharon Barrios noted, "We were already impressed with the student researchers’ work and presentation skills; our admiration only deepened as we witnessed their perseverance and adaptability. It really speaks to their characters, but also to their enthusiasm for their research and faith in the importance of their ideas. These student scholars have truly inspired us.

Although perhaps nothing can fully replace the collegiality of traveling together as group to the competition, and watching our students (and the 200+ other CSU students) present live, one big advantage in this virtual competition is that for the first time we get to share the experience with the students’ mentors and the campus community.

Good luck students! And thank you faculty mentors for supporting your students to excel in this notable way."

We are happy to make available for your viewing their recorded presentations.
Click the "Project Title" links in the table below to view that presentation. 

StudentMentorProject Title

Leandra Boodoo, Biological Sciences (Grad)

Dr. Don Miller

Bat Presence and Foraging Patterns over California Vernal Pools: The Pilot

James Calvo, Chemistry (Undergrad)

Dr. Monica So

Nanomaterials for Water Remediation

Jacob Ewald, Biological Sciences (Grad)

Dr. Christopher Ivy

Species Boundaries in Two Northern California Monkeyflowers

Stephanye Frias, Biological Sciences (Grad)

Dr. David Keller

Investigating the Effect of microRNA-375 on Pancreatic Beta-Cell Mass, Proliferation, and Insulin Secretion

Kallie Griffin, Biological Sciences (Undergrad)

Dr. David Stachura

Novel Antagonist of Growth Receptor-Bound Protein-2 (GRB2) Inhibits Proliferation of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Cells

Claire Monahan, Environmental Sciences (Undergrad)

Dr. Kristen Kaczynski

Post-Fire Regeneration of Common California Foothill Woody Plants

Kyle Palazzolo, Anthropology (Grad)

Dr. Carly Whelan

When Mortars Speak Volumes: Assessing the Influence of Mortar Cavity Size on Processing Efficiency

Stephanie Parker, Biological Sciences (Grad)

Dr. Don Miller

Rudimentary Social Behavior and Spatial Distribution of Exuviae of the Gall-Inducing Aphid, Tamalia coweni

Arely Saldana, Psychology (Undergrad)

Dr. Linda Kline

Pre-Trial Media and Passive Voice: Effects of Mock Jury Decision Making

Juan Vega, History (Grad)

Dr. Michael Magliari

This Happened in a Matter of a Single Generation: From Farmer to Retired Capitalist, the Life of Charles H. Lindsley 1841-1923