Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology

Museum in a Box

Check out one of our “Museum in a Box” lending kits with artifacts and teaching materials. Each box features real artifacts to enhance virtual classroom learning and align with Common Core Standards. Box topics include California Indians, Human Origins, and Hmong Stories.

These boxes are available for 3 weeks at a time. They are designed as stand alone units or to reinforce a thematic unit in your classroom.

To reserve you box email or call 530-898-5397.

Native American artifacts

California Indians

Includes artifacts, lesson plans, information about Maidu and Mechoopda tribes pre European contact and their thriving communities today.

fossil skulls

Human Origins

Includes fossil skulls, investigation stations and curriculum. This is our most popular kit, so please book in advance.

hmong embroidery

Hmong Stories

Includes story cloths, and curriculum that addresses the history of Hmong in America, the Vietnam War, and modern Hmong resilience.