Interns in this program can provide clients with information and assistance for completing the necessary documents for the following: dissolution, legal separation, paternity, custody, visitation and request for order. We also provide referrals to self-help agencies and organizations such as, the Public Law Library, the Self Help and Referral Program (SHARP), and a Lawyer Referral Service number that provide legal resources and support.
Family Law Project
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where can I find legal forms for my family law issue?
You can search for legal forms and how to complete them on SHARP's online program with the link below. in new window)
2. I don’t have computer or printer access, where can I work on my legal forms?
SHARP offers weekly workshops in their computer lab where you can access legal forms, print legal paperwork, and have staff assist you. You can view the workshop schedule in the link below to find out more and register. in new window)
3. What if I would like to access legal information?
Butte County Public Law Library offers physical and online material that are available for you to read. You can learn more in the link below. in new window)
4. I have an emergency. Where can I find the nearest self-help center?
You can find the nearest self-help center in the link below. in new window)
5. I am a victim of domestic violence and want to get divorced or legally separated. Is there anything I can to do before filing my case?
You can call a 24 hour hotline at (800) 895-8476 and receive assistance with Catalyst Domestic Violence Services in the link below. Catalyst’s hotline is staffed 24 hours a day by trained domestic violence crisis counselors. If you or someone you know needs information or help with: Crisis Assistance, Safe Housing, Safety planning, Referrals and resources, Supporting someone experiencing intimate partner violence, Developing healthy relationships, Other relationship questions. You can find out more in the link below. in new window)
6. Where can I find information regarding child support services?
Butte County offers child support services in the link below. in new window)
7. I still need assistance regarding my legal forms, where can I find more resources?
You can find more agencies and organizations in the link below regarding your legal matter. in new window)
8. Where can I find information about preparing for court?
You can learn about the steps to preparing for court on the California Courts website linked below. in new window)
9. Will I have to pay a fee to file my papers in court?
There are 3 ways to qualify for a fee waiver:
- If you are receiving public benefits, like Medi-Cal, Food Stamps (CalFresh), Cal-Works, General Assistance, SSI, SSP, Tribal TANF, IHHS or CAPI;
- If your household income, before taxes, is less than the amounts listed on Form FW-001 in item 5b; OR
- If the court finds that you do not have enough income to pay for your household's basic needs AND the court fees.
(opens in new window)
10. Which county should I file for divorce in, since I have moved?
To file for divorce in California, you must live in the state for at least 6 months, and the county in which you are filing for at least 3 months.
If you do not meet the residency requirements in your county, you can file for legal separation, then file an amended petition for divorce in the county in which you live once their residency requirements are met. in new window)
11. I want to start a divorce. What exactly does the Family Law Project do to help me?
The Family Law Project provides clients with the necessary information needed on how to start and serve their divorce papers. We help you find out what forms you need and how to fill them out.
12. I need help with the financial disclosure and declaration in my divorce proceedings. Where can I get help?
SHARP can help with the financial forms and is located at the Butte County Courthouse. You can call and set up an appointment at (530) 532-7015.
13. I was served divorce papers. Can the Family Law Project help me respond?
We can offer you information on how long you have to respond and what forms you may need. SHARP at the Butte County Courthouse takes appointments for people who need help with responding.
14. I have an existing custody agreement with my ex-spouse, but it no longer works for me. Can I change it?
We can help you file an RFO, or Request for Order, that can modify an existing custody agreement. This form also works for modifying visitation and support.