California State University Employees Union

GROW our PAC (Political Activities Committee)

Champions on the Path to Power - Contributions of $15 or greater!

Table of Champions on the Path to Power
Keith BruceJose Lopez
Brian CrossAntonia Magana
Toni DardenAllison Mcconnell
Ian DonatelloDavid Meichtry
Timothy FluhrPeter Owens
Nicole GeigerAlan Peck
Michael GonsalvesLori Rice
Adam HandyEriberto Roman
David HowardScott Vanni
Barbara JohnsonJessica Westbay
Bradley LayneChristian Wilson
Patrick LehaneCordelia Wilson
Julio Zepeda

Participants on the Path to Power- Contributions of up to $14 dollars!

Table of Participants on  the Path to Power
Devona AbelarChristopher HansenMegan Rawie
Keith AdamsAdele HarthRebecca Read
Tamara AdamsTerese HowellLuke Reid
Jocelyn AhernJames HuffordRyan Richter
Herman AllmarasDonna HumphreyBryant Rivera
Victoria AmbadekarTara JacksonErica Rix
Jennifer AndersonPatricia JerezLuis Rodriguez
Guadalupe Arim-LawKat JohnsJanelle Roll
Pete AustinCassandra KasselNicole Romain
Karen AvisShelley KeenerKathryn Ronan
Rosemary BalbianiMarjorie Keyawa-BoydChristopher Said
Tamhra BolesSom KhangBrionne Saseen
Lindsay BrothersAldine KillionDirck Sauer
Mary BrownellJillian LeachSandra Scholten
Daniel BrunsJaydie LeePaula Scholtes
Clare CliffordCecelia Lore RamseyAdrienne Scott
Ledonnis ColemanJames LorentzenCharles Sellers
Christopher CollinsCheryl McclainGina Sims
Mary CoxHillary MchenryMark Sivertsen
Lesley CurryJeannette Methvin-TerryDerek Stanley
Casey DarrNathan Methvin-TerryNathaneil Stidum
Sharon DemeyerBrett MolyneauxElizabeth Tibbitts
Jose DiazKirstie MontgomeryAlina Tichinin
Omar DiazCole MorganGretchen Tousey
William DickisonRoderick MorrisJeanette Trombley
Emily DickmanTheresa MundyRobert Utter
Evonnia DominguezJames NelsonDale Vang
Roy DunlapLinda NelsonNimalan Vimalachandran
Anthony FierroNatalie NoziskaSherry Wagner
Diana FormanMathew NybyHeather Wallin
Stephen FriedrichCoral OlynykGary Walters
Catherine FullerDennis PartingtonPaul Weatherby
Dmitriy GalkinSatyendra ParuchuriGeoffrey Wintrup
Joel GavinZachary PearseShawn Wright
Daran GoodsellBradley PetersonCatlin Wulferdingen
Mark GrubertWilliam PhillipsBrian Wunsch
Joanna GuzmanJessica RaederKou Yang
Cynthia HaleDiane RamaliaTziager Yang
Judy HamamotocoryDiane RamaliaCasey Zampa
 Julianne Zenkus

Increase you PAC to $15

path to power logo for PAC

Your PAC contributions make a huge difference in making sure we are at the table versus on the menu. With your increased contributions we can hire legislative organizers, lobby full time - just like the CSU, offer more opportunities to members in the form of release time to plan lobby days, learn how to organize at the capitol, and so much more!

Our jobs are political in nature, we are public sector workers. We elect the very people that fund our salaries and benefits, we should have a strong political arm in Sacramento. 

Become a Champion Here!(opens in new window)