Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association

Michele J. Shover


Department of Political Science

First female political science faculty member and department chair (1977–83); expert in political and legal theory and American government.

Helped organize and was president, Chico chapter, United Professors of California and was a leader in the local branch of the California Faculty Association.

Research writings on John Bidwell, Northern California Indian-settler conflicts of the 1850s, Chapmantown, Chico’s historic Chinese community, and equal rights for women in education and employment opportunities.

Honored as leader of local women and recipient of Soroptimist award “for the furtherance of job opportunities for faculty women, encouragement of women students, and her efforts to eliminate economic, legal, and social discrimination against women.”

Helped over 30 years with problem-solving in southeast Chico on issues of building, alcohol, and traffic; was a leader in Amtrak building improvements in Chico.

Received Meritorious Performance and Promise Award, 1988–89.

Portrait of Michele J. Shover