G. Robert “Bob” Standing, PhD
Advising and Orientation Department of History
Deceased: 2021
Served as Associate Dean of Students at the beginning of his Chico State career (administered Housing and Activities program for four years); Director of Advising and Orientation; initiated academic advising services at Chico State which included developing professionalism in his own staff and those in related offices and functions.
Initiated a comprehensive program of summer orientation which over the years served as a model for other campuses nationwide. Because of the success of summer orientation, it has expanded to include other orientation sessions throughout the year.
Dedicated staff and office resources to comprehensive coordinated advising materials which were used throughout the campus; goal was to provide students with an “academic road map” from enrollment at Chico State to graduation.
“Passed the torch” by providing upper and graduate level students with intern and peer advising opportunities (training and positions) to inspire young people for careers in advising, counseling, and student services.
Devoted energy and expertise to University-wide committees responsible for establishing policies, rules, and regulations to ensure that the interest and needs of students were heard and taken into account.
Participated in the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) contributing papers, programs, and workshops at national, regional, and local meetings (served as President of the regional Association); shared his knowledge base with others and, in turn, received the benefit of others’ expertise.
Helped establish a chapter of Phi Eta Sigma (national honor society for high achieving freshman); served as chapter adviser until retirement.
Active and contributing member to the Church of Latter Day Saints; served as Bishop, presiding over services, and other temple activities. Served several missions (along with his wife, Lawrin) utilizing his mentoring/pastoral skills while performing teaching, study, and humanitarian aid activities.