Cynthia Wolf, PhD
Department of English
First-Year Experience
The crucial mileposts of student success—transition to college and progress toward a degree—have become institutional strengths at Chico State, thanks in large measure to the work of retired English Professor Cynthia “Thia” Wolf.
During the early part of her 28-year tenure, Wolf filled important roles in the English Department, including as University Writing Center director, Composition Program coordinator, Writing Support coordinator, and Writing Across the Curriculum coordinator.
“She was an amazing instructor for our department, an innovative course and program designer, and someone who always led by example,” said Peter Kittle, English Department chair. “But her greatest contribution was the ability to see the larger academic enterprise as a system, to identify inflection points where small changes could make big impacts, and then to implement those changes for the betterment of all.”
Wolf’s leadership skills and ability to see the broad mission of the University were put to great use when she was named director of the First-Year Experience Program (FYE) in 2006. During her 11 years in the position she initiated institution-wide collaborations and developed goals for FYE that resulted in ongoing, popular programs such as the Town Hall Meeting, the Chico Great Debate, and U-Courses.
FYE program success brought national attention to Chico State, and was held up as a model by the CSU Chancellor’s Office, the American Association of Colleges and Universities, and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. This recognition led to additional funding from the CSU system and a number of external grants totaling close to half a million dollars.
Published research by Wolf and her colleagues has provided data showing that FYE activities positively affected student engagement and persistence toward graduation, and that widespread faculty participation coupled with the effectiveness of FYE has successfully addressed changing student demographics.
“Thia Wolf’s impact on our campus, our faculty, and our students has been immense,” said Bill Loker, former dean of undergraduate education and Hall of Honor member. “Many of her initiatives continue to engage students and renew faculty commitment to effective pedagogical practices. Thousands of students benefited from a more open, meaningful invitation to University life at Chico State.”
In 2009, Wolf received Chico State’s Outstanding Faculty Service Award and the Chico Rotary Club’s Educator of the Year Award. Wolf’s community activities included being a hospice volunteer and member of the Torres Shelter board of directors.