Faculty Fellows Program
In an effort to support institutional research questions of importance to the university as well as provide support to research, scholarship and creative activities at Chico State, the Office of the Provost and the Office of Institutional Research (IR) officially launched the IR Faculty Fellows Program in Fall 2017. The program funds at least one faculty member from an academic college with the possibility of funding additional faculty. Many faculty members currently address research questions of institutional importance. The IR Faculty Fellows Program is designed to capture and support these efforts through collaboration with IR.
Jeff Bell is Assistant Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Professor of Biological Sciences. Jeff received his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from USC. His past research focused on the population biology of native animal species in Northern California, and the role of the MSX2 homeobox gene in the development of vertebrates. He is a co-author of the Biolabs online simulations and was co-editor and founder of the Merlot Biology Editorial Board. He currently serves on Chico Graduation Initiative Team and the Enrollment Management Advisory Committee. Jeff has been actively sharing his analysis of our campus data for various initiatives.
Project: Analysis of factors affecting FTF and Transfer graduation rates, including student characteristics, curriculum, faculty effects, scheduling, and budget.