Class Enrollment Report(opens in new window) | Provides a real-time list of classes by section with open seats and waitlist for open terms. Shows grade level distribution of enrolled and waitlisted students. |
Class Schedule Report(opens in new window) | Provides a list of sections with instructor, room, enrollment, max, and room cap. |
Class Listing by Term, College and Department, plus WTU per Class (opens in new window) | Listing of classes offered for a semester, including the amount of WTU each class generates per semester. |
Current FTES by Term and College(opens in new window) | Provides the headcount, SCU, total FTES, and resident FTES by college and department for a selected term. |
Faculty Teaching Schedule(opens in new window) | Provides instructor, class, class type, meeting time/location, room size, number of enrolled students, and instruction mode of instruction.. |
Percent of DFUWI Grades(opens in new window) | Provides the percentage of assigned grades that are D, F, U, W, I by course, department, and college. |
Course Grade Distribution(opens in new window) | Provides the distribution of grades assigned by course with summary by lower, upper and graduate levels. |
Undergrad Applicants, Admits, and Enrolled(opens in new window) | Provides the number of undergraduate students who applied, were admitted, and enrolled across colleges, departments, and majors. |