Policy on Unauthorized Use of Classroom Instructional Materials
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Policy on Unauthorized Use of Classroom Instructional Materials
Attached is the CSU, Chico policy on Unauthorized Use of Classroom Instructional Materials as recommended by the Provost.
The University does not endorse or allow the use of its resources for the unauthorized sale or distribution of instructional materials. Specifically, the taking of lecture notes in the classroom for subsequent sale directly to other students or through another party shall be cause for student disciplinary action; the sale or distribution of student- or other party-authored term papers or laboratory or related preparations for representation by another student as his or her own work is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action. A student presenting material prepared by others as his or her own work is guilty of plagiarism and is subject to disciplinary action.
All classroom presentations by the faculty or duly authorized persons in a classroom or laboratory course are considered to be the property of the presenter. Any unauthorized use of these presentations will be subject to disciplinary action or may be cause for legal action by the faculty or by the University in support of its faculty.
Each faculty member will specifically authorize all materials judged by him or her to be suitable for each course. The required materials must be clearly defined in the course syllabus or in specific assignments by the professor of record for the course. Faculty may prepare materials or indicate materials available for purchase, including those written or developed by the faculty member. These materials may include textbooks, laboratory manuals, tutorial guides, self-paced instructional aids, and lecture or other presentation materials.