Approval for Minor Changes to BS in Construction Management
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Approval for Minor Change to the BS in Construction Management
The proposed modifications to the BS in Construction Management are approved for implementation effective fall 1988. The changes, which do not affect the total number of units required for the degree, include:
- Eliminating ITEC 104 (three units) from the program;
- Adding three units by adding one unit to each of three courses:
- CM 093, Construction Materials and Systems, from 2 to 3 units
- CM 095, Electrical and Mechanical Systems, from 2 to 3 units
- CM 197, Mechanics of Materials, from 2 to 3 units
Students who have taken, prior to fall 1988, none, one, or two of the two-unit versions of the proposed three-unit courses will not be required to take ITEC 104. As a result, a small number of students will take 90 or 91 major units for graduation, instead of the normal 92 units. These students still must complete 128 total units for graduation with the BS degree.
The writing proficiency course for this major also will transfer from ITEC 104 to CM 290, effective fall 1988.