Approval for Revisions to MA in Information and Communication Studies
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Approval for Revisions to MA in Information and Communication Studies
The proposed modifications to the MA in Information and Communication Studies are approved for implementation effective Fall 1989. The changes, which do not affect the total number of required units, include:
- Deleting the following courses from the graduate core
- ICST 202 - Communication Research - 3 Units
- ICST 204 - Communication and Society - 3 Units
- ICST 303 - Forum in Communication and Instructional Technology - 3 Units
- Adding to the graduate core
- ICST 302B -Interpretive Approaches to Human Communication Research - 3 Units
- Changing
- ICST 309 - Seminar in Instructional Communication to CDES 309 - Seminar in Instructional Communication, and increasing it from 2-3 Units
- Adding to the Interpersonal/Organization option
- ICST 311 - Communication and Diffusion of Innovations - 3 Units
- 3 Units selected in Consultation with an advisor