Health and Safety Program; Supersedes EM 00-002
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Health and Safety Program; Supersedes EM 00-002
Background The California State University Board of Trustees has requested that each campus department maintain an ongoing safety program. This approach is a campuswide effort and involves participation from every employee and student. The ultimate responsibility for developing policies and procedures, conducting and following up on periodic inspections, and providing training to employees and students rests with the deans, chairs, and department administrators. This policy affects every employee and student on the CSU, Chico campus, and every supervisor has a legal and moral responsibility to provide these basic services to our employees and students.
The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) coordinates this effort by assisting departments in developing their safety programs.
In order to disseminate information, provide guidance, and meet regulatory requirements, a representative from EHS will participate on the Facilities Management and Services (FMS) Safety Committee, the Risk Management Committee, the Radiation Safety Committee, the Transportation Safety Committee, and others as appropriate. EHS will also participate in meetings with the Associated Students and other campus auxiliary organizations.
Each campus department or functional unit will develop and maintain health and safety policies and procedures. These policies and procedures will be specific to the department or functional unit and cover the following areas:
- Develop written policies and procedures to ensure adequate training is provided for employees and students when working in a hazardous environment and to avoid unsafe conditions and hazardous equipment
- Conduct safety inspections of all areas of responsibility periodically. Copies of the inspection reports shall be provided to EHS
- Maintain records of safety-related training and forward the information to EHS. The information needs to include subject, instructor’s name, date, and attendance roster with employee’s name and CSU, Chico employee identification number
- Maintain a hazardous materials inventory for each room and provide a copy to EHS during the month of January of each calendar year
- Request a Materiel Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) when ordering a chemical, maintain an MSDS file for every chemical substance under the department's control, and forward a copy to EHS
- Notify students, employees, and contractors of unsafe conditions within the department
- Ensure compliance with the campus Illness and Injury Prevention Program (IIPP)